Woman accusing 4 ex-cops of aiding sex trafficking testifies
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The woman known to jurors only as Jane Doe shook her head Thursday when her lawyer asked her a question she knew was coming but clearly dreaded — could she describe the injuries she suffered during five years in a Virginia-based sex trafficking ring?
Her voice trembled as she described indignities suffered at the hands of clients of the prostitution ring. Eventually she broke down and sobbed uncontrollably — the words “I'm so ashamed” barely audible between the cries — forcing a temporary halt to the trial of Doe's civil lawsuit against a former police chief and three other officers.
It was the most dramatic moment thus far in a trial focused on blockbuster allegations that the former police chief in Fairfax County and the three officers were clients of the prostitution ring and that they served as its protectors by tipping off the head of the enterprise, Hazel Sanchez, when stings and undercover police would be in the area.
The former chief, Ed Roessler, and the other three officers all deny the allegations, though two former officers, Michael Barbazette and Jason Mardocco, admitted they were clients of Sanchez and resigned from the force after their phone numbers were found on Sanchez's phone.