Related: About this forumMiyares condemns Richmond FBI's 'anti-Catholic' memo
Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares sent a letter to the FBI and U.S. Attorney General this week after a now-public internal FBI memo targeted Catholics and labeled them as “violent extremists.”
On Friday, Feb. 10 Miyares sent a letter joined to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. regarding an internal memo created by the Richmond FBI field office. According to a statement from Miyares, the memo targeted some Catholics as a potential threat due to their religious beliefs.
The memo became public on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023.
In the memo, the FBI suggests that there are Catholics who are “radical-traditionalists” and could be “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.” The memo further says that “violent extremists” include Catholics who prefer a Latin Mass. Latin Masses differ from other types of Catholic Mass because they are not only performed in Latin, these services also follow a different calendar and use different prayers.
I'm not fond of the Catholic right either, but I wouldn't go that far. Sounds like some "violent evangelical" agents to me.

(5,126 posts)Just as there are "violent evangelicals" who are acting against the principals laid down by Christ, there are Catholics more concerned with archaic law and being "pro life" for the unborn than the life of the mother, for example.
It's possible that they have identified those who follow the most conservative interpretation of the laws of the Catholic Church (ie Latin Mass Services) which may indicate they disavow changes made to the Church to make it more tolerant via Vatican II decisions that both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict fought against, attempting to drag the Church back into more conservative agendas.
The question is: How many of the violent assaults on Abortion Clinics, doctors and clinic escorts have been perpetuated by ultra conservative Catholics?
Defendants are NOT listed by faith connection....
IN 2020 these are some statistics about Pro Life gone wild..
Cardinal O'Connor's Response to Violence at Abortion Clinics
Seeing ourselves and others this way is one of our reasons for treasuring every human life, the life of the hungry, the homeless, the drunk, the drug-ridden, the unborn, the elderly, those with cancer, those with AIDS, the rich, the poor, the famous, the unknown. The feast of the Epiphany, then, is a great day to celebrate the great gift of life, life in general, the life of Christ, our own lives in and because of Christ.
It is this sense of the sacredness of every human life that has prompted my very close friend, His Eminence Cardinal Law, archbishop of Boston, to denounce unconditionally the recent killings and woundings that took place in two abortion clinics in his archdiocese. I joined him in that unconditional denunciation and expressed my deep sorrow for the victims and their loved ones, as I have done on previous occasions. Indeed, on this current occasion I have repeated publicly what I have said before and mean, with every fiber of my being: "If anyone has an urge to kill an abortionist, kill me instead." That's not a grandstand play. I am prepared to die if my death can save the life of another.
(11,671 posts)just as an example, is an unaffiliated, wild-hair evangelical of some species. They officially classify it as "unsolved" but pretty much everyone knows who did it because he's been bragging about it. And they are the biggest problem in much of the south and a lot of other places.
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)This knee-jerk claim that criticism of any one believer or group of believers is an attack on all believers is high-test swill, and one suspects political poseurs engaging it know what they are doing.
If you are not a radical, Opus Dei style Catholic who contemplates constituting himself as the Church Militant all on his oddy-knocky, then no one pointing out the danger such a person poses is saying anything about you. If you claim something is being said against you when such danger is pointed out, you have just told on yourself. You have made clear you identify with a radical extreme, that you think the mainstream of your faith is inseparable from radical extremists, and that in a pinch, you will back such extremists on religious grounds. Your response in fact makes the charge one against you, you're the hit dog what hollers....
One wonders, in closing, how often this Miyares fella has said Islam's clergy ought to speak out against Islamic radicals, rather than denounce 'Islamophobia', and how often he's said leaders in the black community need to speak out against violent elements in their own community instead of blaming racism....
(11,671 posts)or any FBI agent or office, has no business putting out a memo on this or any other major religion. That is my point.
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)'It's my religion!' is a cry for privilege which breaks off once pushed too far. A religious person contemplating violence in furtherance of their beliefs is a police problem. They are a threat to others and the public peace. That by their lights they are acting in accord with religion is no better an excuse for violence than it is for bigotry.
"Odd that an Omnipotent God should so often need assistance from the state legislature."