UPDATE: Loudoun County treasurer posts, quickly deletes 'Aunt Jemima' Facebook post
Hat tip, WTOP
UPDATE: Loudoun County treasurer posts, quickly deletes 'Aunt Jemima' Facebook post
By Nathaniel Cline, ncline@loudountimes.com Jun 17, 2020 Updated 8 hrs ago
Loudoun County Treasurer Roger Zurn (R) on Wednesday posted and quickly deleted a racially insensitive social media post following word that the Aunt Jemima brand will be discontinued.
Zurn, who is white and has served as county treasurer since 1996, posted on his personal Facebook page Wednesday morning: Wondering if Aunt Jemima will change to Uncle Toms?
The post, a screengrab of which was sent to the Times-Mirror, was deleted minutes after it went live. ... "It was an error in judgement," Zurn told the Times-Mirror.
We advise Mr. Zurn and other elected officials that not everything needs a hot take or clever comment from them, Amanda Tandy, first vice president of the Loudoun NAACP, said. ... listening to communities directly impacted by systemic racism, who we would remind them are also their constituents, would serve them better.

Loudoun County Treasurer Roger Zurn (R) posted the following question on social media following Quaker Oats' announcement to rename and change the image used on its Aunt Jemima maple syrup and pancake mix.
Facebook/Roger Zurn
Update: The Loudoun County Democratic Committee condemned Zurn's Facebook post in a statement Wednesday night. The statement, in part, reads:
This is not the first time Mr. Zurn has posted racially discriminatory comments on Facebook. On March 27, Mr. Zurn posted 'China has released the names of the first two people to contract Coronavirus. Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk.'