What lawmakers accomplished in a quick 60 days
Considering the time available during the 60-day short session that concluded Thursday, state lawmakers in Olympia still managed to make considerable progress on a range of issues before them, passing about 340 of the 1,200 bills it started with in January.
Here’s a look — referencing recent coverage by the Washington State Standard — at some of what was accomplished in policy and the supplemental budget, to be followed next week with a look at what lawmakers should give further consideration to next year when they’ll have an additional 45 days to ponder legislation. Many bills still are awaiting a signature from Gov. Jay Inslee, in his final year of his three terms.
Supplemental budget: Lawmakers approved an additional $2.1 billion in spending to the $69.8 billion budget it passed last year, split between maintenance of existing programs and new policy investments in numerous departments. As well, there’s $25 million in the capital budget, allocated for school and health center projects, as reported Friday by The Herald’s Jenelle Baumbach.
Education: Funding was a major focus, with $333 million in the operating budget added for school transportation, the state’s free meals program, and a step-up in funding for special education to pay for special services, train teachers and better meet the gap between what districts pay and what the state provides for those students.