Oct 12, 2010 at 9:57 am
MythBusters: Dave Reichert Did Not Catch the Green River Killer
If there is ever a political figure who is purely the figment our local media's imagination, it is the silver-haired sheriff, Rep. Dave Reichert, a man whose entire political career is built upon the fiction that he single-handedly brought to justice Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer.
But as Michael Hood explains in blunt detail in a re-post of his excellent series on the subject that first ran in 2006 on HA and BlatherWatch, Reichert's oft repeated tale is total bullshit....
Sheriff Reichert became the public face of the sensational arrest of the serial killer by elbowing his way in front of the cameras on November 30, 2001 when the sensational collar was announced.
In fact, as Part II of Hood's series explains, Reichert actually bungled the case almost from the start of the investigation:
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