Ferguson, Reichert clash on crime, abortion and Trump in first debate
SEATTLE – Washington gubernatorial candidates Bob Ferguson and Dave Reichert clashed over public safety, abortion rights, and Donald Trump throughout an acrimonious hour-long debate Tuesday.
Reichert jabbed first, throwing shade on Ferguson’s pledge to bolster public safety by hiring more cops, noting that crime has increased in the last 12 years “and finally Mr. Ferguson has recognized that.”
“I think it’s clear that I’m the only public safety candidate in this race,” said Reichert, who spent more than three decades working in law enforcement.
Ferguson responded: “I will take no lectures from you about public safety when you are voting for and supported a convicted felon for president,” he said in reference to Trump.
How long did it take to catch the Green River killer? Please spare us your boasts about your law enforcement prowess Reichert.