NO on I‑2124 launches its first television ad -- "Losing"
The campaign working to save Washington State’s recently created long term care coverage system from Initiative 2124 today released its first television spot calling for the rejection of the measure. “Losing” is a thirty second ad that explains why we can’t afford Jim Walsh and Brian Heywood’s scheme to sabotage and destroy WA Cares.
“I‑2124 will cause more people, mostly women, to leave their jobs to provide unpaid care for loved ones with disabilities, or who are sick or aging, by shutting down payments and benefits for people who need care. Women are 73% more likely to permanently leave jobs and five times more likely to work part-time due to caregiving demands. More than 800,000 Washingtonians, mostly women, are currently unpaid family caregivers. And I‑2124 will leave women with private insurance as the only alternative, which charges women 70% more than men,” the campaign said in a statement.
“I‑2124 will make this crisis even worse.”
“Washington voters know a wolf in sheep’s clothing when they see it,” said NO on I‑2124 campaign manager Libby Watson.