Brian Heywood and Jim Walsh's I‑2066, I‑2109, I‑2117, and I‑2124 are still polling under fifty percent, NPI's research
A slate of four destructive initiatives primarily spearheaded by right wing multimillionaire Brian Heywood and Washington State Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh remains in rough shape with just days to go until the deadline to return ballots, the Northwest Progressive Institutes latest survey of the Washington electorate has affirmed.
As in our July survey of Top Two voters, the four initiatives (which would harm Washingtons progress on education funding, climate justice, long-term care, and energy affordability) all received support of less than fifty percent of respondents.
The four measures are:
Initiative 2066 locks our communities into dirty energy while raising families costs (qualified July 24th, 2024)
Initiative 2109 repeals billions in education funding by eliminating the capital gains tax on the wealthy (qualified January 23rd, 2024)
Initiative 2117 repeals the Climate Commitment Act, which is raising funds to fight climate damage (qualified January 16th, 2024)
Initiative 2124 sabotages the WA Cares plan to help Washingtonians afford long-term care (qualified January 25th, 2024)