Related: About this forumRandy Bryce Memorial Day Message Emailed to Me....
For a lot of folks, this weekend is a long one spent outside grilling or at the lake--but we cannot forget why a lot of us have the day off: Memorial Day is a day to remember.
Like millions of Americans throughout our country's history, I volunteered to join the army. Everyone who enlists does so knowing that you may have to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect your fellow brothers and sisters serving with you and to protect those back at home.
Nobody picks who makes it back and who doesn't. And when you decide to go serve, you don't know, even if you make it home, if anyone will care that you were gone. Because while you're away, life continues without you.
My first job after the army was as a housing coordinator to help homeless veterans. Those veterans are humble and private about their service. We can see them and appreciate their service, but too many in positions of power choose not to. They deserve so much more for all they've sacrificed than our country has given them in return.
So today, please take a moment to remember those that didn't make it back. And pledge to do a bit more to help those in need who did.
Thank you,
Randy Bryce

(19,486 posts)But I will send him a donation instead.
We have a 2 time Iraq Veteran running in the MN-1 by the name of Dan Feehan, who also served at the DoD in the Obama Administration.
(7,349 posts)Unfortunately, I'm unable to cast a vote either as I don't live in his district. I will keep this good man's name out there as much as I can and donate however.....
(29,941 posts)Randy Bryce to replace Lyin Ryan
Randy Bryce to replace Lyin Ryan
Randy Bryce to replace Lyin Ryan
Randy Bryce to replace Lyin Ryan
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Shades of progressiveness of the Wisconsin Democratic Party circa 1950.