Related: About this forumEvery single WI Senate Republican voted against the Right to Contraception Act,......
Vile Repugs in WI do not even want women to have contraceptives. Damn-they live in the Dark ages and want everyone else to do so also!
State Senator Dianne H. Hesselbein
#ICYMI @SenateDemsWI
attempted to pass the Right to Contraception Act, a bill I authored with @LisaSubeck
Every single WI Senate Republican voted against moving this proposal forward. They had an opportunity to show Wisconsinites they weren't extremists like their national counterparts, but they chose to double down on their anti-choice, anti-woman, and anti-freedom position.
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KS Toronado
(20,894 posts)
(17,572 posts)Hopefully, the new maps will help.
(3,019 posts)Or both. Or they don't believe in adult female personhood.
(85,289 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 18, 2024, 09:24 PM - Edit history (1)
so the “ownership” was complete and unquestioned.
et tu
(1,996 posts)could send his wife to an asylum if she wasn't compliant~
ah the good old days, @#$%^ not!
(85,289 posts)Quite a few men, I'd guess.
(81 posts)When men were men and women were chattel.
(85,289 posts)That's about the size of it. And why do I feel as though there are growing numbers of people who want those "good old days" back again?
et tu
(1,996 posts)lark
(24,641 posts)They want us to produce babies that will be marginal, non-educated, with no health care or benefits and work for pennies. This thought of free workers is more important to them (their riches) than the rights of women - which they are completely happy to remove. They will next disallow contraceptives of any kind, then start killing us if we deviate from their proclamations and take charge of our own health. This is their goal, rich men controlling everything and women have no say (they will remove our votes) in the process.
(7,080 posts)Proceed
(3,963 posts)they can easily control more aspects of the others' lives. Abdicating the right to make one's own decisions about any form of health care, especially decisions about reproductive issues, is surrender of the self to outside agency.
(2,564 posts)Do they have any daughters? Do they not like sex, or have their wives long since denied them sex so nothing to lose? maybe they have affairs and ok for the mistress to have an (illegal) abortion? maybe they're just old enough it's irrelevant to their lives and to hell with everyone else?
And this is worth making their party a pariah in the state why?
i am confused.
(2,613 posts)Appealing to their base, but alienating the majority. Go for it!
(5,009 posts)There's got to be a genetic memory in R's for asexuality. There are a whole of Men who need to give up even the idea of 'getting lucky' for many, many years... If not for the rest of their lives. This goes back to the theocracy they want all of us to live under. Dominionism... Now known as christian nationalism. Its all facism by another name. Anyone feel like living in Iran? Thats one of the models they're working on for us.
(6,645 posts)people who have been for the idea that marital rape is not possible because a husband has a "right" to sex with his wife. These are the same people who believe a man should always be paid more than a woman. These are the same people who believe that women should not be hired for "certain" jobs. These are the same people who don't believe women should serve in the military with men on active duty. These are the same people who refuse to provide adequate funding for crime labs to process rape kits in a timely manner. The list doesn't end there.
(3,602 posts)Oddly, it seems to be promoted by incels. The idea is that feminism and the pill have put women in a position where they don't need marriage.
(8,655 posts)She got pregnant in high school. Both her daughters did, too. And her oldest son is a divorced incel who years later can do nothing but blame his ex for everything that's gone wrong in his life.
(3,602 posts)The internet has helped them find each other.
(1,857 posts)... is their strategy. If you want to exercise complete and ruthless control over an entire population, start with the marginalized demographics that all the room-temperature IQs fear. Every weak and ignorant male is terrified of giving equality to women, so that's who Republicans attack first, by restricting their rights again and again and again. They simultaneously attack and undermine Black folks, Jews, Gays, Trans individuals; the list goes on.
These are obscenely vile and hate-filled people. I saw a recent interview with a hard-core Trump-humper in her gaudy, tasteless, defiling-the-Flag-Code, clown suit, in which she expressed some disappointment in Trump because she felt that "he was not hurting the people he was supposed to be hurting". That sums up conservatism in a dozen words.
EVERY evangelist preacher is carved out of the same turd as the insane Jim Jones of Guyana fame. They are control freaks gone supernova, and are not to be trusted under any circumstances. That's the model that all Republicans emulate. They crave dominion over the lives of others, and they are NEVER satisfied, up to, and including, how, when, and why you die. They consider "A Handmaid's Tale" to be an instruction manual.
I'm old enough to remember when it was possible to have Republican friends, and just agree to disagree on some policy issues. Those days are gone forever. Now, my hatred of Der Republican Party burns hotter than the surface of the Sun.
Jimbo S
(3,032 posts)The passing of her mother last week.
I know the family. Great progressive people.