Related: About this forum09/20: University Of Wyoming Football Attendees Chant "F-- Joe Biden" During Saturday Game
It was spontaneous, I'm sure.
Published on September 20, 2021 September 20, 2021 in News/University of Wyoming/politics
By Ellen Fike, Cowboy State Daily
A crowd at the University of Wyoming football game on Saturday followed what appears to be somewhat of a trend and participated in an obscene chant disparaging President Joe Biden, a video posted to social media showed.
It isnt clear how many people are repeating the chant at War Memorial Stadium in Laramie, but their words can be heard distinctly: Fk Joe Biden.
The action received a mild rebuke from the University of Wyoming on Monday. ... The university doesnt condone this type of behavior and encourages a family atmosphere at UW athletic competitions, university spokesman Chad Baldwin said. However, we recognize the right to free expression by our students and others. UW encourages respectful dialogue where there are political and other differences
According to OutKick, a sports/political site founded by Clay Travis who replaced Rush Limbaugh on the radio earlier this year, this chant has become popular at college sports events all over the country, being heard at football games in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.
The chant also surfaced at anti-vaccine rally in New York on Saturday and a Luke Bryan concert in Ohio on Sunday.
At the show, Bryan appeared to laugh at the shouts but later strummed along to the chant. ... Hide the beer, he laughed.
(63,804 posts)Whose fingerprints are on this?
(14,107 posts)How would they know which ones were RW?
(63,804 posts)All the operative has to do is stand outside the stadium before the game and start handing out the bribes.
Kids don't have to be RW to take the goodies. They will yell out anything if the price is right.
Edit to add: If I were going to gin up this kind of thing, I would be dropping several kegs of beer at each of the campus frat houses the day before the game and the day of the game. With instructions on the behavior expected to occur at the game. Once the frat boys start chanting nasty crap during the game, the rest of the kids in the crowd will join in.
I think the universities need to step in and let the students know what is expected in terms of proper decorum at a game.
(16,235 posts)are broadcast on Hate Radio stations that offer no other programing except Zombie Rush, Hannity and cookie-cutter hate talkers all over this country.
It's way past time for advertiser boycotts and letter and phone campaigns.
NFL and college players, as well as league commissioners, university presidents and endowment managers need to be asked why they support the racist, misogynistic, anti-American pro-authoritarian propaganda THEY ARE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING!
I would love to see someone play a recording of that "entertaining" song "Barack the Magic Negro" from the Rush show, and then ask Lebron James, Aaron Rogers, Roger Goodell and the University of Alabama President if they are aware that that they are supporting that type of programming?
And don't get me started on the military. The first act of the SECDEF should be to remove this hate speech from Armed Forces Radio.
It's fucking decades too late to start taking this Retrumplican propaganda seriously.