Home Office planning new deportation flight to Rwanda
Source: The Guardian
Home Office planning new deportation flight to Rwanda
Some asylum seekers have received letters saying government intends to remove them, the Guardian has learned
Diane Taylor
Thu 25 Aug 2022 10.28 BST
Last modified on Thu 25 Aug 2022 10.57 BST
The Home Office is planning a new deportation flight to Rwanda, the Guardian has learned.
Some newly arrived asylum seekers in hotels have received letters from the department telling them their asylum claims are deemed inadmissible for consideration in the UK.
They go on to say the government intends to send them to Rwanda to have their claims processed there. Asylum seekers have 14 days to raise objections over their forced removal to the east African country.
Clare Moseley, the founder of the charity Care4Calais, said: “We’ve recently learned that the Foreign Office warned Priti Patel that refugees should not be sent to Rwanda due to human rights concerns including that they could be forced to join the country’s army and sent to fight in neighbouring states.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/aug/25/home-office-planning-new-deportation-flight-rwanda