Drink shit and choose between heating and eating

Emphasis mine
Financial Times today
The United Kingdom of Freezing Brexshit

It was inevitable.
Putting our country in the hands of the absolute worse of us - Thatcher sold it all off, because of cause she did, and then this lot -
up to their eyes in mutually beneficially relationships with big business ensure they were never going to regulate sufficiently - and Brexit just helped this
pernicious profit driven deal between the libertarian right and the net present value crowd. For the rest of us - drink shit and choose between heating and eating, is the end result of gifting these far right brexit loons the keys to our democracy.
We knew this would happen in 2016 - but hey Project Fear (as in Project Facts) was an effective label to drown out the advice of, you know, actual experts, in favour of populist right wing rhetoric of sunlit uplands once we got rid of Johnny Foreigner.
Even though we warned of this - (and of course Covid and Ukraine have exacerbated the effects of Brexit, but it is not a coincidence that we are the only G7 nation with double digit inflation and 80% increase in heating costs) - it is shocking and distressing that
the impact is now upon us with a violence of outcome that is not only harmful for the most vulnerable in our communities, but
will inevitably lead to excess deaths (put let their bodies pile high in the streets, right?).
It is so bad, that I cannot even be bothered to say we told you what would happen and you did not listen. Many many families in the former red wall seats in the industrial north, who voted Brexit & BoJo with much gusto, are going to go cold and hungry in this new coming winter of discontent, and as James O'Brien says -
'contempt for the conman, compassion for the conned'. For many they are going to need much more than our compassion, they will need practical financial support to pay the bills and feed their kids as the cost of living crisis continues to rain unconstrained Brexshit shit on all of us. The next resident of number 10 - Liz Truss, of course, -
has no intention of helping the 'idle workers' as she has labelled us.
She could not give a Brexshit shit about any of us. But hey, 'culture wars' and 'woke', there is that👀
Winter has come.