Sweden should follow Denmark and reconsider Brexit deportations
Hundreds of Brits who failed to secure post-Brexit residency in Denmark will be given a second chance. Sweden should offer the same kind of amnesty, writes The Locals editor Emma Löfgren.

The Danish government this week announced that British nationals who missed the deadline for post-Brexit residency
will be allowed to apply or reapply. At least 350 British nationals who lived in Denmark at the time of Brexit failed to apply to remain in the country before the deadline of the end of December 2021, and many were subsequently given orders to leave. But after criticism from rights groups, who accused Danish immigration authorities of not correctly applying the rules of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, the government on Monday announced that the initial deadline will now be extended until the end of 2023.
It is time for Sweden to follow Denmarks lead. Sweden has ordered more Brits to leave since Brexit than any other EU state. Eurostat data reveals that about 2,205 UK citizens were ordered to leave EU countries between 2020 and September 2022 with around half of this number from Sweden alone.
Its hard to get clarity into the facts behind these figures,
with authorities conceding there could be some degree of inaccuracy, including people being counted twice. They also include people turned away on the border, so they could also include Brits who never lived in Sweden nor had the right to stay post-Brexit.
The Local, our reporters have repeatedly contacted both the Migration Agency and the border police for more information, which each authority directing us to the other. But other figures such as rejected applications
support the claim that Sweden has turned away an unusually high number of Brits compared to other EU states.