Transferring voicemails to laptop
I've spent far too long trying to find an answer online and the local Microsoft store techs couldn't even figure out how to do what seems like it should be so simple: being able to monitor/hear voicemails being transferred to a windows 7 laptop using microsoft's built-in Sound Recorder and a 3.5 connector cable between the laptop and the cellphone (happens to be an iPhone 4).
The voicemail transfers fine, sound wise, I just don't know when to cut off the recording because I'm not able to hear it. There is a crude recording level display of sorts that appears but it's too small to be useful, can't see when the signal stops at the end.
I tried to go by the number of seconds the voicemail is, but that's too rough since I can't be sure when the message actually starts playing.
I know I can use Audacity but I have about 15 VMs to transfer and would rather use the simple interface of Sound Recorder if that's possible.
Anyone have any knowledge about this?

(17,559 posts)headphones into one jack. Use it inline and plug in a set of headphones so you can listen.
(29,540 posts)be doing this this one time for the messages, and my new phone will just send them if I want. Want to avoid making unnecessary purchases...
(17,559 posts)JudyM
(29,540 posts)it? Ok, if you're pretty sure that'll work I'll try it!
(17,559 posts)Image you have an old iPod and you want to listen and a friend listen at the same time. Now substitute the phone for the iPod and the friend for the computer or recorder.
The audio levels might be a little tricky but you can make it work and once you have the levels where you want them it is all down hill..
(1,551 posts)on the base unit of the OOMA and also they automatically send the voice mail in an email to my laptop.
(29,540 posts)Thanks!