AOL removed their spam controls and 20 years worth of Spam flooded my inbox!!!
Well not exactly 20 years, but when I checked my email on Monday, it was full of Spam. When I went to my Spam controls they were gone.
The only reason I stayed with AOL for this long was because, "Only allow people from my address book" as an option. Everything else went into my Spam folder. This worked out great. I was on lists for oodles of politicians, but it didn't bother me because it went into my Spam folder. If I wanted to read a Liz Warren newsletter I could find it in my spam folder. If I didn't want to read it, it didn't clutter my inbox.
So now I will have to migrate to a new email. This is probably going to take several months. I will keep my AOL email as I transition etc. I downloaded a program called Mailwasher Pro to deal with my AOL spam and it is helping.
But just the thought of moving everything after 20 years is a bit overwhelming. From friends, to newsletters, to logins etc.
Fortunately, I've been sick this week, so I have the time to focus on this.
Everyone teased me about having an AOL address for years. I always countered with, "They've got the best Spam controls". Now I'm proof that AOL $ucks. With this business model, I think AOL is gonna go out of business pretty soon.

(33,643 posts)That is some bullshit right there.
Frankly I would lose my shit if that happened to me. I'd be on the phone to tech support screaming going 'you need to fix this NOW!!!'
With a lot of F THIS's peppered in, most likely.
(9,696 posts)Mine is set at "only recieve emails from people in my address book"
Other emails go to "suspected spam" which I can chack and move if necessary.
The third level is "known spam" which is very good at catching the obvious spam.
Did you call tech support at AOL? maybe the setting got moved or changed with an update and you just need to re-set it. Seems weird that they would just do away with spam settings altogether and not expect to loose customers.
(32,707 posts)Instead you pay them $5/mo so you can download their software or you subscribe to them in order to get help........
I use their webmail and we haven't paid a penny to AOL since 2002. AOL was free with TWC/Road Runner in 2002.
Verizon bought out AOL last year and AOL and Yahoo have merged. It has been downhill ever since. Even on their website they say the got rid of them.
(4,937 posts)I love being able to give out my AOL address for the same reason I still have a landline. I don't want to talk to you if that's the contact info you get!