Apple Users
Related: About this forumHelp, my scrolling button on my mac mouse isn't working....
what's up with that?? It doesn't scroll up or down. I have to use the scroll thing on the right had side of my screen to get it to move, any help out there?? Thank you.

NV Whino
(20,886 posts)a kennedy
(32,960 posts)
(2,208 posts)Restart!
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)and that seems to have was on vertical and horizontal before.... I just can't stand it when the computer, mouse, printer doesn't act the way it's supposed to. No patience I guess. Thanks for your assistance. Should I ever try to clean the roller ball? edit for spelling.
(5,562 posts)the scrolling button kept quitting intermittently. I'd sort of beat on it and it would work again for awhile, sometimes it would be ok for a week or 2. It eventually just quit totally and I replaced the mouse.
(14,807 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)Hi a kennedy,
I had the same problem. I found a used one in a thrift store and then found out it that tiny scroll ball wasn't working. Its a miniature roller ball, very delicate and it doesn't take much to clog it. So after searching I found a solution:
All you need is some rubbing alcohol and a paper towel.
Spray or otherwise drench a small area on the paper (or cloth) towel which is a few layers thick and laid down on a table.
Turn over the mouse and make contact with the tiny scroll roller ball on the wet area of the towel.
Push down (not too hard) and roll up and down, back and forth, concentrating on the direction that is the most trouble.
Do this for maybe one minute or so.
Turn it back over. It should air dry a minute.
And should work.
Although I found out it may clog up again in a couple of months and you have to do it again, but it works! It saves buying another mouse.