Apple Users
Related: About this forumAny feedback on the OS X 10.11 upgrade?
Updated 3 of my computers so far. Noticed the Disk Utility Repair Permissions option is gone, and had to explicitly enable the iCloud Mail option to see emails in my Mail folder from my iCloud account.
Several Safari bookmarks have been changed to an icon with the first letter of the website name displayed.
Anyone seeing any notable weirdness with El Capitan?

(8,352 posts)it is advisable to wait before upgrading to OS X 10.11.
I use Mac's and PC's in my studio. SIP is causing problems for pro audio companies from Presonus to Native Instruments with many of their hardware and software products.
These companies are advising users to wait until these problems are resolved, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I have El Capitan on a non-production Macbook. It is a little too protective and walled garden for me, but Apple has been heading in that direction for some time. With SIP, I can not delete default applications that I won't ever use like Mail for instance.
I am holding off on all my other machines, and I may not upgrade them at all. We'll see.
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Corruption Inc This message was self-deleted by its author.
I use Reason, Studio One, and Ableton under OS X, and I am not upgrading until these fixes are complete.
I see there are more coming. Wow.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)Sorry Apple, root is root and that's how I like it; I'm competent enough to protect myself without breaking a fundamental aspect of Unix. Here ya go:
1. Click the Applemenu.
2. Select Restart...
3. Hold down command-R to boot into the Recovery System.
4. Click the Utilities menu and select Terminal.
5. Type "csrutil disable" and press return.
6. Close the Terminal app.
7. Click the Apple menu and select Restart....
Other than that I don't have complaints (still looks like crap IMO but Sir Jony likes things flat...never hire an industrial designer for UI, kids!). Cheers!
(8,352 posts)software and hardware.
I agree though and have disabled SIP. Now if I could turn of the increasing iOSification of the UI and the Walled Garden bullshit, I would not consider completely moving away from OS X in the near future.
sir pball
(4,983 posts)It makes me deeply sad to think about since I've been using Macs since an SE, but Apple just can't get away from tightening down the "mothership". Not to mention soldering everything to the motherboard..
Maybe have an optional "iOS Mode" akin to the old Simple Finder for people who want to touch-n-drool, but let us disable it and have something like Mountain Lion back?
My first computer ever was an Apple IIe. I got an SE30 in the early 90's. I have had everything from a 9600 to a Mirror Drive Door to a quad G5 (the last two I still have and use!).
Mountain Lion was a sweet spot, I agree.
I wish Apple would learn from the Metro mistake that was Windows 8. I have been using 10 and I like that I can go Metro tablet/touch on a Surface Pro which works great, but I can also turn it off & be a strict desktop on my i7.
I only have one iDevice. I sold the iPad after the constant need for forced upgrades to iOS and not being able to use pro audio apps on an old iPad stuck on 6.x.x. I have one iPod but only use it for portable media consumption. I just don't want iOS on the desktop.
OK, rant off. Back to the subject at hand!
(51,122 posts)I did a clean install of Yosemite last year. But with El Capitan I just did an 'upgrade.'
I didn't have to enable iCloud Mail, but my iCloud folders were hidden and I had to click 'Show.' Gave me a start for a moment, but the folders were on my iPhone, so I knew they were somewhere.
I had Photos set to not start when my iPhone was attached in Yosemite, but it reversed the setting for some reason. Toggled it. No big deal.
My USB DAC won't work at all. Seems like this is a known issue and my guess is that Apple will fix this soon. Audiophiles are not happy about this.
This explains the Repair Permissions thing:
Dunno about the bookmarks thing. I know you can now 'pin' bookmarks at the top of Safari. It gives you a mini-tab with the first letter of the site (interesting, but not particularly helpful, imo). That's not what you are seeing is it?
Otherwise it's very solid. Overall, this is the cleanest upgrade I've ever done. Really built on the bones of Yosemite.
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)before the update I didn't have to now on DU and a sports site I'm on I have to sign in every new day and it SO ANNOYING. Ugh.
(16,971 posts)Canon PIXMA 922. Printing wirelessly works, though.
Also noticed that the Safari Quicktime plugin was disabled after the update.
I'm thinking this OS upgrade isn't as mature as it should be.
(8,352 posts)that products are now compatible or soon will be.
UVI Workstation has a update that now functions properly under 10.11
NI has confirmed that the soon to be released OS X 10.11.1 should correct issues they are having. So Apple is now aware and are making changes. I think they dropped the ball on this, but Apple has not treated their pro audio and video customers very well for about a decade now. Prosumers and iDevices are their cash cows now.