I'm wanting to download and burn to a dvd
this youtube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=IaHxPi9dM7o
What would be a good program to use? My operating system is ubuntu 10.04.4
I'd like to be able to play this dvd on our home entertainment system.

(31,493 posts)Also if you are going to play it on a PS3 then put the video in a directory or the PS3 won't find it.
Which one of the add-ons would be the best?
(31,493 posts)madokie
(51,076 posts)I have it downloading now.
How will I know when its finished downloading
(31,493 posts)Pretty full proof then.
(31,493 posts)madokie
(51,076 posts)I'm thinking I'm going to switch to SolusOS 2 when its released. From what I understand it will be using gnome2
(60,019 posts)Firefox browser.
I use Download helper, a firefox add on, for downloading you tube videos. They have mp4 format.
Sounds as if you also asking for a program to change the downloaded mp4 format to whatever format your dvd/tv hookup will play.
That I don't know about, but do know it is possible.
(51,076 posts)all I know is I want to burn this to a dvd so I can watch it later. I don't know enough about the different formats to worry with that
(27,677 posts)but it won't necessarily be a DVD, playable on all DVD players. When I need to burn a video to true DVD, I use DeVeDe, which is in the repositories. I have it set up to first make an ISO file and then I write that to a blank DVD. Works every time.
(51,076 posts)I installed DeVeDe and as soon as this file finished downloading I'll be trying to burn it. I may need some help when I get there
(27,677 posts)
(51,076 posts)I've tried using xfburn, K3B, Brasero and Iso where it was an option. I've used DVD- as well as DVD+.
I used DEVEDE to make the ISO file
My home player is a Sony. I've copied DVDs and they play ok in our home system.
I'm wondering if I should boot up on a ubuntu 12.04 live cd and try burning with it.
Even mint 13/mate.
I'd switch to mint 13 with mate if not for the awful green colors. Green is my favorite color but not the green that mint uses and I've not been able to change that part of mint.
(27,677 posts)I then bring up the File Manager (Nautilus), navigate to where the ISO is located, right click and select "Write to Disc." I always wind up with a disc that will work in any DVD player.
(51,076 posts)Cannot play the dvd player says.
I haven't given up yet though.
This evening I'll try again with another disk. I've made about a dozen coasters so far so no need in quiting just yet. I'll try a dvd- this next time
Thanks for the help, greatly appreciated.
I can copy a dvd from a dvd and it works in my player just fine so I'm sure when I get the right combination it'll work.
(27,677 posts)especially when I have a bunch of videos is to use WinFF (also in the repos) to convert them to mpeg (which is basically what DVD's are). Then I write them to the optical disc. I don't get the fancy title menus like I get with DeVeDe but they play in most everything.
(51,076 posts)and I'm trying to figure out what to do now
When I bring up WinFF, I'm presented with a menu that includes a button titled "Add." I click on that and then select what files I wish to convert and then select convert to DVD plus whatever preset (NTSC, widescreen, etc.) and an output folder. Then I wind up with an mpeg file that can be burned to disc and should run on any player.
(51,076 posts)I've made close to 20 toasters so far.
I don't think it is intended for me to do this
at any rate thanks for the help.
I'll try a new download tonight and give it another try tomorrow evening.
Not sure if this is what you're looking. I use videodownloadhelper plugin on Firefox, most of YouTube Videos can be download. After it is downloaded I use AppGeeker DVD Creator to burn a DVD.
(51,076 posts)Response to madokie (Original post)
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(1 post)I think this might help, I use to burn some movie clips to dvd :http://www.dvdflick.net/
And many software can download video from YouTube, like, well, you may try this site too:http://www.clipconverter.cc/
Just now seen your reply. I'll give this a go soon.
Welcome to DU dcforever. Hope you like it here. We like good people so you should fit right in.
(1,629 posts)In this case the video looks like NTSC videotape... so I assume the resolution will be no better than 480p. But other videos might be as high as 1080p.
The program I use for downloading videos from YT is call aTube Catcher... and it will show you all the options for the files of different quality... and it can reencode from one format to another... though I've never used it. I'm happy with the original mp4s... and they can play one the PC... obviously, but also on some smart TVs and Bluray players... right from a USB stick. So there's no need to burn to DVD. And remember... if you're burning to a standard DVD format... to play on regular DVD players... the top resolution you'll get it 480... even if the file was originally 720 or 1080p.
Lots of stats... but I'll walk you though them if you want.
(1,629 posts)Response to madokie (Original post)
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Response to madokie (Original post)
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