Al Gore
Related: About this forumWhy do people dislike him?
He seems like a very, very nice person yet people are so unkind when referring to him.
Look at that jamoke Woodward saying those rude and mean spirited things about him the other day after that dinner.
He seems to be the favorite whipping boy of so many media creeps.
I think Al is a fantastic and brilliant person and 'see him as a tragic figure. How many people could survive what happened to him in 2000 and come away with their sanity?
This country has been seriously off the rails ever since then.

(21,252 posts)that don't like him.
He is doing great things now that he has been unleashed from politics, such as Current.
I often think of the "lock box" when I hear the R's going after Social Security and wonder if people who voted for bush think of that now.
(829 posts)I haven't trusted him since the censorship crusade, but he's given plenty of reinforcement since. The one thing that sticks in my mind as the single most destructive was his balls-to-the-wall advocacy of NAFTA.
In many ways he is the epitome of the kind of person being protested by OWS - he spent a career using political influence to enrich himself - as did his father before him. If you needed to illustrate an article on political aristocracy in the United States you could do worse than to use his picture. With a net worth well over $100 mil (despite having spent virtually his entire adult life in office) he is well entrenched not just within the 1% but the 0.1%.
(10,117 posts)...books?
Not really sure how that is relevant, his public record is long enough to make judgments.
If you're referring to his eco-profiteering - making money telling everyone else to go green while he lives one of the most consumptive lifestyles of any human being on the planet - that's part of the problem.
(10,117 posts)
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)how big his house is, how he drives an SUV, how much power he consumes, etc.--
all from a wingnut acquaintance who is plugged thoroughly into the right-wing ad hominem attack machine. They hate the message so they attack the messenger.
I read his speech from the Nobel Prize
Uncle Joe
(60,966 posts)Al Gore never had a "censorship crusade," there was an effort to label music in the same manner as movies so that parents could be aware of what their (minor age) children were absorbing.
NAFTA has been a mixed bag but we as nation would definitely be better off had Gore been in charge instead of Bush. Gore's primary role was the national debate with Ross Perot on Larry King. Gore exposed Perot's free trade monoply and Perot was never the same political force after that debate.
Gore made the bulk of his wealth after he left public office only because the vast majority of the political establishment was too stupid, timid or corrupted to listen to him on the desperate need to address the looming castrophe of global warming climate change.
After his poltical career ended, Gore decided to use the economy to change the world; in order to save it from itself, as the political world wasn't able to provide the necessary leadership. Capitalism was and still is the preeminent driving force shaping our society so if he couldn't change things from the poltical aspect, the economic world was the next logical choice.
"Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is a London-based investment management firm with an investment style that blends traditional equity research with a focus on sustainability factors, including social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance.
Generation was founded in 2004[2] and began investing client money in April 2005. With offices in London and New York,[2] the firm employs 38 people.[3] Generation's Advisory Board, convened by Gore, helps set Generation's long-term thematic research agenda into global sustainability and renewable energy issues. Past areas of focus have included climate change, poverty and development, ecosystem services and biodiversity, water scarcity, pandemics, demographics and migration, and urbanization.
In November 2007, Generation and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) announced a global collaboration to "find, fund and accelerate green business, technology and policy solutions with the greatest potential to help solve the current climate crisis."[4] As part of the collaboration, prominent KPCB Partner John Doerr joined Generation's Advisory Board."
However Gore didn't stop there, he founded Current T.V. which by far has done more to support and promote the OWS movenment than any other segment of the corporate media; which by the way waged a near two year "War against Gore" of slander and libel ie; Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet" etc. etc. etc. prior to selection of 2000.
The corporate media was highly motivated to betray the American People's best interests precisely because Gore was the preeminent poltical champion for opening the Internet to the people. As the Internet grew in power and influence, magnifying the American People's freedom of speech power more than anything since the First Amendment was adopted over 200 years ago, the corporate media came to view the Internet as a direct threat against their own long standing, one way, top down business model of brainwashing the American People for profit.
It kind of comes full circle, as the Internet greatly enabled the OWS movenment and the other protests taking place around the world, including the Arab Spring.
"Gore was one of the Atari Democrats who were given this name due to their "passion for technological issues, from biomedical research and genetic engineering to the environmental impact of the "greenhouse effect."[33] On March 19, 1979 he became the first member of Congress to appear on C-SPAN.[49] During this time, Gore co-chaired the Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future with Newt Gingrich.[50] In addition, he has been described as having been a "genuine nerd, with a geek reputation running back to his days as a futurist Atari Democrat in the House. Before computers were comprehensible, let alone sexy, the poker-faced Gore struggled to explain artificial intelligence and fiber-optic networks to sleepy colleagues."[33][51] Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn noted that, "as far back as the 1970s, Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship [...] the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication."[52]
Gore introduced the Supercomputer Network Study Act of 1986.[53] He also sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises."[54]
As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill" ) after hearing the 1988 report Toward a National Research Network submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of the ARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).[55][56][57] The bill was passed on December 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII) which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway."[58]
After joining the U.S. House of Representatives, Gore held the "first congressional hearings on the climate change, and co-sponsor[ed] hearings on toxic waste and global warming."[59][60] He continued to speak on the topic throughout the 1980s.[33][61][62] In 1990, Senator Gore presided over a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries which sought to create a Global Marshall Plan, "under which industrial nations would help less developed countries grow economically while still protecting the environment."[63]
The upshot is Gore did more than any other poltical leader to empower/magnify your freedom of speech, he paid a heavy political price for it and you tell the world "he's untrustworthy and his motives are suspect."
Will wonders never cease?
(4,542 posts)all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?"
(7 posts)Thank you for stating what I always felt about this guy. He is the epitome of the 1%, me, me me!
(42 posts)Dr. Mullion Blasto
(104 posts)even readers of this thread. One reason, I think, is that he has seriously reinvented himself several times, most notably after his "defeat" in the 2000 election.
Another is that his positions have always required a little more effort to understand than the ordinary soundbite, even in his earlier career that I never particularly cared for, when he stood at the right wing of the party.
As far as him being rich, so what? All these guys are millionaires. At least he has some ideas and a modicum of spine. Another thing that probably makes people uncomfortable is that at bottom he is a pretty conservative guy and the fact that he now stands on the left of the party says more about the party than most of us care to admit.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)Very thoughtful and well stated.
He is a complex character but I think he is a good man who has been very ill handled by the media.
Response to Peregrine Took (Original post)
Armin-A This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16 posts)Al Gore represents a certain class of people that advocates and gets rich doing it.
The fact that he get's rich from it will always cause those that oppose him to question his motives. Is he doing it because he cares, or is he doing it because he wants to get rich?
In the end the money is a small factor, the questions everyone should be asking is, is he right about the things he advocates for?
I don't follow him that closely, but in some of the "global warming" stuff he did I think exaggerated and left crucial information out that uneducated listeners wouldn't miss and would draw vastly different conclusions based on inference.
The best example I can think of is when he stated "if 1/2 of Greenland were to melt"...And then went on to show how sea levels would rise by 20 or so feet and what the impact would be. What he left out is that it would take 1000 years for 1/2 of Greenland to melt, even at the most aggressive projections.
Personally, I cannot condone doing the right thing the wrong way. It misleads people and gives the other side ammunition.
Al Gore is not a scientist. He gathers information and he presents his interpretation of it.
(42 posts)Regarding his personal enrichment over green issues, you asked if he does is because he cares or if he wants to get rich. IMHO, if he was doing it because he cared, he'd give his money away (he has an appalling rate of charitable donations), he'd take commercial flights (he is exclusively private jets), and he wouldn't live in a house whose eco-footprint is that of nearly a small midwestern town. Good person, I can't say he isn't, but altruistic is one thing he is not. Warren Buffett should be an example these uber rich politicians should be shamed into following. My money is on President Obama for being the only former Pres or VP who doesn't like like a sultan after office. Time will tell.
(238 posts)Hands down. He is so disappointing. In 1992, he was running for the democratic primary. It was my first time being old enough to vote, and I was very much into environmental issues. He had just written the book Earth in the Balance. It's a pretty dang good book. I was doing a little advocating for him. Then he lost in the primaries. Ok, fine. And then he becomes vice president. That's pretty cool.
While he's VP, the administration does NOT ONE TIME bring the Kyoto Protocol before the Senate for ratification. I don't care if you're most likely going to lose. Bring the freaking thing to the Senate. At least TRY. Stand up and fight for what you believe. Nope, not big Al. We hardly hear a peep out of him or Clinton for the last several years in the white house.
As soon as he's no longer in there, he's flying around the world giving presentations about how important global warning is. Give me a freaking break. He should be embarrassed. You're in one of the top positions in one of the most powerful governments in the world, and you barely do a thing. Then you fly around getting paid and awards arguing that same cause that you ignored. And then they give him the Nobel Peace Prize -- one of the worst three choices in the history of the award. His strategy for fighting climate change at that time -- work with venture capitalists. Ok, that's fine, but it's hardly worthy of a peace prize. There are SO MANY OTHER people working on climate change. Giving the prize to him was absurd.
(20,453 posts)Had you listened, you'd understand that global climate change is bigger than the sum of it's parts, in particular, with the stealing of the 2000 election.
Then, there's Current TV...
If you don't understand what kind of news and information have come out of it, then you should.
(238 posts)Have I listened?! Did you even read my comment. I've read his book, watched his presentation, listened to his testimony, etc. The man is a disappointment. He's doing very little to actually address the problem he thinks is so important. Instead, he tells us how bad it is and promotes himself.
To summarize my critique, (1) he did very little to address climate change while in the white house particularly regarding the Kyoto Protocol, (2) he didn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize because other people working on climate change, not to mention other issues, are much more focused on peace than he is, (3) he's a disappointment as a politician relative to his rhetoric as a private citizen. What say you? I'm willing to listen.
(20,453 posts)So, he was supposed to have done this while VP? Congressional testimony?
It sounds like it all stopped there. If you followed anything after that, or seen what he has done on a world-wide scale with "Inconvenient Truth", I don't think you'd say that. Have you followed "Current TV" at all? How about episodes of "Vanguard" or seen what content he is building on that network?
What a bunch of horse shit I'm hearing from you. I think you have not paid any degree of attention for years. AG hasn't promoted himself, he's provided a voice that is the most progressive and asks the hardest questions.
And I'm not playing regarding your so called critique. It's based on nothing you've been able to account, giving what you would have seen if you paid attention to these things. How's that Kyoto Protocol been since Al Gore, by the way?
(42 posts)karynnj
(60,153 posts)Given that most people know when their first vote was and who were the candidates, this makes me a bit uneasy with your explanation. Personally, I did not like him ran he ran in 1988 - too conservative and a bit nasty attacking some of the other candidates.
As to whether something is brought up in the Senate - I don't think the VP makes that decision. The fact is that they knew that it had very few things that the Byrd/Hagel resolution asked for. Many of those things were looked at and gained support at Bali, but nothing was agreed upon in Copenhagen that needed Senate approval.
Evelyn J Kern
(1 post)I understand he is a brilliant man. But he really snubbed Bill Clinton when he ran and blew his run for the Presidency. Not so smart.
(2 posts)Is he still cereal about finding man-bear-pig?
(18,000 posts)samsingh
(18,000 posts)Pterodactyl
(1,687 posts)The impression one should give in a debate is competent leader. Gore came across as an angry robot.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)the post counts of the people on this thread are inversely related to the esteem in which the posters hold Al Gore?
Coincidence, I'm sure.
(10,117 posts)...true.
That, and the thread is from December, 2011...
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Bigbluebrush
(66 posts)Gore is an easy target because of a slightly awkward personal style, like Mitt Romney. Gore caused right-wingers major problems by being so persuasive on global warming, thus making it more essential to frame him in negative terms.
(24,906 posts)In 2000 we elected a man who spoke english like it was his second language instead of a man who spoke it to us like it was our second language.
Now I like Al Gore, and I voted for him, but there is something about his speech and mannerisms that make me feel uncomfortable. I don't think he plays well to a camera, and I'll bet he is a lot more likeable in person.
(402 posts)They are rarely ever celebrated in their own lifetime but after their dead. The truth Al Gore speaks challenges us all not just a few,It's a challenge to our daily life as true as it maybe even those who agree with him will push back some unwilling to accept they are part of the problem too.
(985 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 19, 2016, 11:57 PM - Edit history (1)
People in this thread mentioned Gore's performance in the 2000 debates as a reason for not liking him. I think that gets to the heart of it.
When you have a charismatic personality like Bill Clinton or Obama, it's easier to sail past the people trying to tear you down. Look at how the right would say that Gore claimed to invent the internet and laugh, even though he never said that and actually, he was an early sponsor of legislation that was key to the internet's development (which is what he correctly alluded to).
The right wing has made an industry out of ridiculing Democratic leaders, cutting them down with memes (with a degree of truth or none at all) that their audience latches onto. In spite of all that was thrown at them, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had presentation skills that allowed them to surpass that. I think both Al Gore and Hillary Clinton had more trouble overcoming the attacks (though they both won the national vote for President!) because their personalities were more "normal" and they didn't have charismatic presentation skills.
(6 posts)Al Gore is disliked for the dumbest reasons. In 2000, the worst that could be said about him was that he was boring.