White House presses Congress on bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia
Source: Reuters
POLITICS | Tue Sep 20, 2016 | 8:40pm EDT
White House presses Congress on bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia
The White House said on Tuesday it is trying to persuade Congress not to press ahead with a bill that would allow survivors and families of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia for damages, in an apparent effort to avoid having a presidential veto overridden.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest, speaking during a press briefing in New York, repeated a promise that President Barack Obama would veto the bill, which has been passed by both houses of Congress, but said there was a push to change legislators' minds about the law.
"White House officials and other senior officials on the president's national security team have engaged members of Congress and their staffs in both parties in both houses," Earnest said.
Congressional aides have said the measure appeared to have enough support, two-thirds majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, for lawmakers to override an Obama veto for the first time since he took office in January 2009.
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