Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumBernie Sanders ‘Will Campaign For Mrs. Hillary Clinton,’ Says His Brother Larry Sanders
https://heatst.com/uk/bernie-sanders-even-his-brother-admits-its-time-to-concede/Well, so he says, but notice how he says it.
After an extraordinary campaign during which Bernie has raised more than $200 million from individual donors and inspired legions of young voters to take an interest in politics, this member of the Sanders family is prepared to acknowledge publicly that the game is up as far as the Democratic Party nomination is concerned.
I think hes made it quite plain: he will campaign against Trump and therefore for Mrs Clinton, says Larry, speaking from his home in Oxford, England. And he will continue his campaign for an equal society.
Why wont Bernard say this in public? Why is he fighting on?
They're asking my question. The answer is a bit too "cutesy" for me, I'm afraid.
And what does "continue his campaign for an equal society" mean ... as if we don't ALL want the same thing?

Still, Larry sounds a tad more reasonable than Bernie's other advisers.

(2,542 posts)The brother is as bad as the original.
(15,539 posts)because he hasn't been living in the US. He left the US in the 1960s and likely still hasn't evolved much from then.
Both could stand some consciousness-raising.
(308,408 posts)"Mrs Hillary Clinton" IOW "that woman"?
(2,542 posts)Maybe this nonsense passed back in the 60s, but we're 50 years removed from then.
(308,408 posts)hear it from BS himself. grrr
Princess Turandot
(4,836 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)No, I hadn't seen that.
Perhaps Larry isn't even a tad more reasonable after all. Hmmm!
Unfortunately, from what I understand that Bernie is saying now, in spite of Harry Reid and others trying to put a nice spin on it, Bernie is going to be 2016's Eugene McCarthy.
He might want to rethink that because things didn't work out all that well for McCarthy, who became a mere footnote in history after 1968.
I very much hope that I am wrong.
George II
(67,782 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)respects women. There is the story about how Bernie finally proposed to Jane ... http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/266468-sanders-proposed-to-wife-in-friendlys-parking-lot
Some may find it endearing. I am not one of them.
(4,542 posts)lol .. oh flea.. lol
(2,798 posts)He will have to publicly concede and commit to campaigning for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump.
He won't do it, in my humble opinion. Not ever. That movement on his part would require an admission that his attacks against Clinton and the Democratic party were, at the very least, exaggerations.
He is imprisoned by his inability to change his mind about people and politics.
(53,544 posts)It is only a campaign against Trump.
(15,539 posts)Frankly, the way things have been happening lately, it would be much better, IMO, if the campaign juggernaut simply continues without him. He can either jump on or be left behind.
Winning elections takes a team that knows how to play together.
(308,408 posts)Winning elections takes a team that knows how to play together."
My feeling, too, BlueMT! Well said..
And, it seems that you were giving BS the benefit of the doubt for awhile after this thing was winding down.. whereas I never did.
But, now he's blown any hope you had for him.. I could be wrong on your thinking he would come around?.. please let me know?

(15,539 posts)my coffee yet ... so I mangled that sentence somewhat. But I'm glad that the meaning came through, Cha.
In spite of my gut feeling that he wouldn't, I WAS giving him the benefit of the doubt. I was trying to be good and upbeat and "unifying."
Of course, he still has to make his great announcement tomorrow night.
But frankly, I don't even care what he says or does any more. Hillary has just won DC by a landslide. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2016/jun/14/live-primary-results-track-votes-washington-dc
While the counting in CA continues, as of yesterday, June 14 at 6:38 pm, Hillary is STILL ahead by 11.1% with 2,360,184 votes to Sanders with 1,887,120. http://vote.sos.ca.gov/returns/president/party/democratic/ It is also worth noting that in addition to the GOP, whose candidates still continue to receive votes in the continued counting, there are four other political parties with candidates who are still receiving votes as well: the American Independent Party, the Green Party (Jill Stein leads), the Libertarian Party (Gary Johnson leads), and the Peace and Freedom Party.
None of the CA counties has reported "CCC" (county canvass complete) yet and final certification of the CA vote isn't due before July 8. But the likelihood of Hillary's win last week being overturned is next to nil, despite cockamamie theories floating about from some who are desperate. http://vote.sos.ca.gov/returns/status/
The people have spoken - quite clearly and by millions of votes more - and "the people" want Hillary to be the Dem nominee.
One can moan and whine all one wants about Dems and DNC processes and decisions, but the fact in the final analysis is that if one believes in democracy at all, then the majority of voters in the Dem primary/caucus season have chosen Hillary.
Period. Point final.