Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumHillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders allies settle on pragmatic progressive Democratic Party platform
I am quite satisfied with the platform. It was negotiated upon--as all political outcomes are.
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders allies settle on pragmatic progressive Democratic Party platform
By Bill Palmer | June 25, 2016
After all the back and forth about what kind of philosophical tone the Democratic Party 2016 platform should or should not take on, the platform committee consisting of allies of democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and runner-up Bernie Sanders ended up with a pragmatic series of compromises on Saturday night which should end up making most involved with the process happy. So just what ended up making the cut in the now draft-stage Democratic Party platform?
The Democratic Party platform itself is the equivalent of a party mission statement, standing apart from the democratic nominees campaign and platform. So Clinton isnt officially bound to anything in the platform. Sanders had wanted the platform to call for an immediate minimum wage increase to $15 nationwide, even though most economists fear such a swift increase would trigger negative economic consequences. The platform committee compromised by including the $15 per hour provision, but not attaching a stated timetable to it.
Elsewhere the platform calls for an increase to Social Security, which both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been touting, though such an idea is unlikely to get through a republican congress. It also calls for an end to the Hyde Amendment, which restricts funding for abortion even in cases of rape, incest of medical necessity.
Still, there appears to be enough included in the Democratic Party platform for all sides to be able to call it a victory. The Hillary Clinton campaign told CNN that it was proud of the platform, while Bernie Sanders tweeted out an AP story which gave him credit for influencing the platform.

(19,460 posts)Taking his platform all the way to the convention. He didn't get everything he wanted. Will not endorse Hillary.
(49,476 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(119,940 posts)Cries Bernie
(1,359 posts)This not 1968. This not the era of "non negotiable demands".
(74,463 posts)William769
(57,278 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)forjusticethunders
(1,151 posts)I wouldn't be surprised if he's coordinating this defiance with the Hillary campaign. The idea is basically to pull in as many as the Bernie or Busters into the unity camp as possible by making it appear that he's still "fighting" and getting concessions and influence. It's a pain in the ass but I can also see why playing this game is conducive to helping Hillary win. After all, her polling has only gone up since his concession-not concession.
(4,542 posts)That's according to recent polls via Rachael Maddow. Maybe waiting until 99.9 percent of the 100 percent have moved over to endorse?
(308,408 posts)Mahalo Rivers.
(30,058 posts)creon
(1,359 posts)It is a matter of means; it is not a matter of ends. We have the same goals.
I think that the platform is a good one.
(42,607 posts)Such as the arbitration tribunals. There are moral problems, such as negotiating with homophobic counties and deciding to bypass human trafficking in countries such as Malaysia. The idea is though trade, we will somehow be able to influence these human rights violations
Hillary is right to be skeptical.
On the other hand without new agreements we are stuck with NAFTA, and the TPP has been in negotiation for a decade, pre-dating the Obama administration, and is an improvement with workers protections and addresses environmental concerns.
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)Is slipping through his fingers. This is the natural course of affairs. The Presumptive Candidate usually shapes the party and its inniatives, not one of the runners up.
(53,544 posts)in a way that it applies to Republican men such as Hastert and others.