Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forum"Ohh, Hillary and her campaign are blaming everyone but themselves"
Bullshit! Was she a perfect candidate? No. Neither was Bill. And there are several factors I would list as responsible for her "defeat" way before pinning it on her and/or the campaign.
1: The anachronistic piece of shit known as the Electoral College, which denied the presidency to the 2,800.000-vote winner We've been taught that we need the EC to prevent a demagogue, tyrant or traitor from ascending to the presidency. Well., to paraphrase Dr. Phil. how's that working for us now?
2: E-mails. FUCKING e-mails! Something that didn't even EXIST 20 years ago! And none of which contained ANY solid evidence of criminality on the part of Secretary Clinton. And that, of course, leads us to
3: James Comey, who should be tried for treason and shot. I'm not kidding! This fucking asshole was the main reason for our current predicament. Die soon and burn in Hell, Jimmy!
4: And, of course, how could we forget our sorry-assed excuse for a news media, whom, in their arrogance, thought they could act as pimps for the Great Orange Whore so that their ratings would be high, then erase him from public discourse before things "got serious." Goddamn fools!
5: Berniebots. Yes, I'm going there! And I am NOT talking about Sanders voters who, after the primaries, made the pragmatic decision to vote for Hillary even though they didn't like her much. No, I'm referring to the pampered little whiners so enamored of their ideological purity that they couldn't be bothered to get off their asses on Election Day to vote against the Tangerine Antichrist who is now less than two weeks away from beginning the destruction of American democracy.
It has happened here, folks. And Hillary Rodham Clinton is NOT to blame!

(25,577 posts)applegrove
(124,826 posts)80,000 votes spread out in 3 states. Any one of a great number of things could have made the difference.
(30,058 posts)of an influence to get the GOPs to pass progressive ideas, it will not happen. On HRC's worst day she is much better than DJT on his best day of his life. My next four years will be spent talking about Trump and his dumb moves and statements and on the GOP for dumb moves. They are already whining, much less has been said about Trump than was said about President Obama.
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(10,560 posts)won by 6 points nationally, with 333 electoral votes, had it not been for the Comey intervention.
And that is assuming that all the other things that went wrong in the final two weeks had still happened and that the race had still narrowed. If not for those others things (Obamacare premium increases, Russian hacking) she might have eon by 8-10 points.
The race wasn't winnable. Every time she started to pull ahead the FBI intervened and lied to the American people in order to rig the race in Trump's favor.