Borderland Beat: Seducing Women With Drugs: A Phenomenon That Is Growing In The Country
By Sol Prendido 4/07/2024 04:26:00 PM
"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat
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Many of them begin with the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, then consume rock or crack and finally move on to crystal meth. There are also those who are sellers of these drugs, so when they have easy access to this substance they fall into consumption. When they are not murdered for consuming the merchandise they must sell, they end up in rehabilitation centers addicted to crystal meth.
From 2017 to 2021, the federal Ministry of Health reported an increase in requests for crystal meth addiction treatment, since then this drug became the fourth most consumed addictive substance in the country.
In turn, 2021 data from the report of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Addictions (Sisvea) establishes that since 2017 amphetamine-type substances (crystal meth) have been positioned in fourth place as initial drugs, thereby displacing inhalants.
According to the Ministry of Health, crystal meth is a white or sandy powder, although it comes in the form of small rocks or thick, clear crystals. Its most common form of consumption is by smoking it, but it can also be inhaled or injected. It can be made with very cheap ingredients that are available without a prescription, such as chemicals, battery acid, drain cleaner, flashlight fuel, and fertilizer.