Brazilian Senator Fuels Family Cars with Public Funds
Alexandre Giordano says he uses private vehicles to save money
Artur Rodrigues
Senator Alexandre Giordano has kept a low profile since taking office as a substitute for Major Olímpio, elected in the state of São Paulo and who died in 2021 during the pandemic, victim of Covid.

O senador Alexandre Luiz Giordano (MDB-SP)
Senator Alexandre Luiz Giordano (MDB-SP) - Iara Morselli/Divulgação Esfera
However, he has drawn attention in the political sphere due to his fuel expenses.
A Folha survey shows expenses of over R$ 336,000 on fuel, which fueled Giordano's cars, his son's, and also a family company.
The average monthly spending on this item, around R$ 9,000, would allow crossing Brazil, in a straight line from Oiapoque (Amapá) to Chuí (Rio Grande do Sul), four times a month.
Giordano says there is no irregularity in the expenses and that he does not use all the available funds. He justifies the use of private vehicles for economy and states that the Supreme Federal Court has already dismissed inquiries about the case.

From the 2nd most northern state, straight south to the most southern state