Replace Mitch McConnell with Conservative Matt Bevin – Send A Veteran to Washington
Replace Mitch McConnell with Conservative Matt Bevin – Send A Veteran to Washington
Fact is, without replacing “leader” Mitch McConnell we can send all the grassroots conservatives to the Senate, all our efforts that challenge the Old Guard grasp on power WILL BE BLOCKED no matter the cost to our country or to our liberty as citizens.
Will The South Secede Again
Now that Obama has been re-elected for four more years, we may well witness the death of America as we know it, as the Obama administration continues its relentless pursuit and destruction of the American Constitution, annihilates the Conservative and Free Enterprise ideals, increases the colossal Federal Debt, and grants Liberty and Amnesty to an estimated twenty two million illegals and immigrants, and turns the USA into a medieval and neanderthal wasteland.
As much as it makes my hair hurt these stories are a must read to know what’s going on in this country with the Tea Party, the shit they are spewing without facts or reasonable thought is being gulped up by the populist, preached at Sunday services through many regions paid by donations from on high. We are screwed if they win the day.
Keep your friends close keep your enemies closer .