The Repukes are intent on stealing another senate seat
Just found this on reddit. If you live in the area or are in a position to help it's time to send in the cavalry.
Tennessee has elections in May, August, and November of this year. Republican turnout was low in May and Democratic turnout was high. The Republicans are panicking. As a result our Republican-led Election Commission has decided to open only one Early Voting location far outside the main city in a majority white area for the first five days of Early Voting.
Memphis is 2/3rds black and so our city will have zero polling locations for the first five days of Early Voting. They are also opening 4 new polling locations in white suburban areas and only 1 in a majority black area for the remainder of Early Voting. That means that it will be far easier to get to the polls from white neighborhoods, even after the 5 days of fraudulent voting with zero polls accessible to people without cars.
The Republicans opened their coordinated campaign office right across the street from the only polling location. It’s obvious that they knew that the Election Commission was only going to open one polling location and they knew where it was. The Election Commission didn’t tell the Democratic Party about the one Early Voting location.
Memphis is the poorest city in the US. We are majority black. We do not have the resources to fight this attack on our city alone. Please help us and be aware of what the Republicans are doing for 2018. They will stop at nothing to stop black people from voting. The Voting Rights Act is dead in the South.
The GOP is terrified that Phil Bredesen will win in November and they will lose their Senate majority. They will do anything to stop that from happening, including stealing our August elections.
EDIT: Fixed location information. Also forgot to note that there are nearly one million people in our county and around 600,000 registered voters.