Men's Group
Related: About this forum"This Just In: Men Watch Porn"
I'm generally not that big on Alternet as a source, but once in a while they do hit the spot:
Leys summary stated the following conclusions:
Seeing oneself as a porn addict was predicted not by how much porn one views but by personal religiosity and moral attitude towards sex.
Daily porn viewing is only weakly related to feelings of anger.
Self-labeling as a porn addict is strongly correlated to depression, anxiety, anger and stress.
Actual quantity/time of porn viewing has no reliable relationship to emotional issues.
The evidence is strong that proponents of porn addiction treatment are actually causing psychological suffering. People who listen to them, and who fall into believing that porn is addictive, actually get worse. Medicine is supposed to help people first do no harm.
Whether or not sex addiction should or should not qualify as an acknowledged mental health issue, the usage of that term is harming people, not helping them.

Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(170 posts)that's for a black bag covered in coffee grounds in my regular garbage!
(5,909 posts)
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Wait, whuuuuuuut? People looking at teh dread pornz is a 'perfectly normal' part of a 'private fantasy life'?!? Did she clear this statement with whatever's left of the Mackinno-Dworkin think tank crowd, first? Gail Dines and... whoever else? I. think. not.
Why, I imagine they were doubleplus nonetoopleased! "Et Tu, Amanda?!!!"

(10,129 posts)I think this makes the second or third recent article by her which seems to stand in complete opposition to her previous works.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)These realities.
...the people whose definition of marital happiness depends on their partner neverevereverever looking at any pictures of naked women (or reading a romance novel, or using a vibrator), to blow off a little steam occasionally, are setting themselves up for a ridiculous amount of unnecessary strife and effort. Adult relationships based upon mutual trust and respect generally understand that individuals function better as a faithful and mutually committed couple when each person has some measure of their own space as well.
Canadian Interloper
(37 posts)So watching porn doesn't bother me at all.