STOCK MARKET WATCH: Friday, 1 March 2024
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Friday, 1 March 2024
Previous SMW:
SMW for 29 February 2024

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 29 February 2024
Dow Jones 38,996.39 +47.37 (0.12%)
S&P 500 5,096.27 +26.51 (0.52%)
Nasdaq 16,091.92 +144.19 (0.90%)

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Gold & Silver:
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Quote for the Day:
Finally, just to take this to its ludicrous extreme, I asked for reactions to a "law to eliminate right-wing authoritarians." (I told the subjects that right-wing authoritarians are people who are so submissive to authority, so aggressive in the name of authority, and so conventional that they pose a threat to democratic rule.) RWA scale scores did not connect as solidly with joining this posse as they had in the other cases. Surely some of the high RWAs realized that if they supported this law, they were being the very people whom the law would persecute, and the posse should therefore put itself in jail. But not all of them realized this, for authoritarian followers still favored, more than others did, a law to persecute themselves. You can almost hear the circuits clanking shut in their brains: "If the government says these people are dangerous, then they've got to be stopped."
Bob Altemeyer. The Authoritarians. (PDF; self published) © 2006.
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