CNN: 'This is insane.' Swedish workers are getting under Elon Musk's skin
London CNN
It has taken nearly a month, but workers striking against Tesla in Sweden have finally drawn a response from the companys famously anti-union boss. This is insane, CEO Elon Musk said Thursday on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he owns.
Musk was responding to news that Swedish postal workers are refusing to deliver Tesla license plates, joining a wave of action in sympathy with mechanics who stopped servicing Tesla cars late last month.
About 130 mechanics began their ongoing strike in October after their employer, a Tesla subsidiary in Sweden, announced that it would not recognize their labor union, according to Expressen, a CNN affiliate.
The industrial action soon spread to dockworkers who started blocking deliveries of Tesla cars at the countrys ports, to electricians who stopped maintenance work for the carmaker, and other workers in Sweden, Expressen reported.
This is what labor solidarity looks like.
This action in Sweden may inspire similar action in Germany.

(24,156 posts)Shipwack
(2,507 posts)Even back in the height of union power (such as it was), were there sympathy strikes across diverse occupations? Maybe the SAG/AFTRA strikes, but the Teamsters (for instance) didn't strike when the Air Traffic Controllers were fired.
People in this country have been brainwashed to mistrust unions, and to not work together. I remember a Flintstones cartoon showing union craftsmen to be lazy and greedy. I'm sure there are other examples.
(15,177 posts)union to go on a sympathy strike, or for general strikes to occur.
Wall Street got that down real good.
(2,507 posts)I need to hit the history books again. Maybe after I read "Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America" by Joan Walsh and Nick Hanauer.
(7,400 posts)Because if enough unions do it, what are they gonna do? Arrest them all? (We do have enough prisons to hold such a massive arresting, but the logistics of actually doing this would be impossible. They would negotiate. But, we won't do it.)
(15,177 posts)make laws like this is that there are a lot of us and very few of them. It is just their raw greed that is outsized.
(267 posts)Unfortunately indivuals just can't seem to recognize the need to support each other if it might involve a little personal sacrifice.
(7,400 posts)That is 'effort' and 'sacrifice'. We don't do either anymore, it seems.
(3,800 posts)You get fired.
Taft-Hartley removes the legal protections for striking workers. I imagine quite a number of employers would welcome the chance to fire as many union members as possible if this were to happen.
(10,586 posts)Sympathy strikes did happen. Made illegal in the 1920s, when Labour came to power post WW2, secondary action was made legal again. Until Thatcher -1980 and 1990 laws outlawed it.
Back to the USA... under Taft-Hartley, secondary action remains largely unlawful. That's probably why the Teamsters didn't strike when the air traffic controllers did so.
(207 posts)When the UW Madison TAs struck in the early 80s the strike ended when the teamsters wouldn't deliver the liquid nitrogen to cool the experiments. It may have only been because the TAs were teamsters too.
(13,427 posts)brought this on yourself. If the Tesla sub hadn't decided to stiff-arm the union mechanics in the first place ...
Wonder Why
(5,254 posts)progressoid
(51,078 posts)

(6,949 posts)
(36,631 posts)Union Maid
(8,433 posts)grumpyduck
(6,657 posts)wanting a living wage. What a fucking piece of shit motherfucking prick.
Suck it up, asshole.
(18,368 posts)IronLionZion
(48,006 posts)it's time to tell these wealthy "job creators" where they can shove their hostile anti-worker policies. It's time for trickle up from working people.
"They're coming to steal your jobs" doesn't work so well during labor shortage. "Nobody wants to work anymore".
(267 posts)I lobbied my local IBEW union to walk out in support of the air traffic controllers during the Raygun debacle. Had all the union workers supported them then we would be looking a very different labor picture today in this country. IMHO.
(85,363 posts)That would have struck a chord.
(96,604 posts)Martin68
(25,124 posts)EarnestPutz
(2,797 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)are sticking toether and respecing each other's right to fair treatment and spoiling his cash flow and are telling him to go to hell when he orders them to go back to work.
This is your first lesson in who holds the real power in this world, El;on.
(536 posts)I think "you guys could stop the strike now" Negotiate!
(113,131 posts)when a boss is an arrogant asshole who thinks he doesn't have to negotiate with nobodies.
live love laugh
(15,024 posts)
(363 posts)He won by what some newspapers said, it that true?