Qubec Workers Conduct Largest Strike Ever (One of the largest strikes in North American history)
Public sector workers in the multi-union Front Commun marched on November 23 in Montréal, Québec. More than half a million struck in December. Their flags say We are of one voice. Photo: CCMM-CSN.
January 09, 2024 / Shannon Ikebe
One of the largest strikes in North American history happened this winter and the struggle is ongoing. In Québec, 420,000 public sector workers in health care and education, united in a Common Front (Front Commun) of four major union federations, spent seven days on strike December 8-14. This followed half-day and three-day work stoppages in November.
In addition to the Common Front, 66,500 workers in one of the teachers unionsla Féderation Autonome dEnseignement (FAE)were on strike for more than a month and more than 80,000 workers with a nurses union, la Fédération Interprofessionelle de la Santé du Québec (FIQ), struck December 11-14.
Together, around 570,000 workers, out of Québecs population of 8.5 million, struck their employer, the government of Québec, led by center-right Premier François Legault.
By the end of December, the Common Front and the FAE announced that they had reached a tentative agreement. The content of the TA will be discussed by members in the coming weeks. Negotiations for other public sector unions, including the FIQ, are still ongoing, and further strikes may be necessary.
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