The poisoned poor: In poor countries man-made toxic pollutants spread like cancer. Here’s why you sh
Pollution gone awry is a "brown" issue and it affects even the rich countries, directly and indirectly
The poisoned poor: In poor countries man-made toxic pollutants spread like cancer. Here’s why you should care
Richard Fuller
Sunday, Aug 9, 2015 09:00 AM EST
It started out simply enough: peering into an open-cut mine and watching my feet to make sure I didn’t slip on the ice. The pit was several hundred feet deep and about half a mile across. We were at the edge of an old cinnabar mine near the town of Horlivka, in the eastern part of Ukraine.
The Russians had mined the cinnabar for mercury but the pit had lain abandoned for some time. I was there with a dozen other environmentalists in a training workshop to identify polluted sites. This place certainly qualified. High levels of mercury had been found in the soil of a nearby village; we were there to assess the risk. My biggest concern at the moment, however, was keeping myself from slipping on the icy edge of the mine and falling in. One glance was enough to tell me it was a long way down, and dark.
Vladimir was our local coordinator. He tugged at my elbow.
“Uh-oh,” he said in a low voice.