Related: About this forumUrban Superintendents Want More Ways To Get Teachers In Classrooms
The teaching corps of St. Louis Public Schools is becoming older and whiter. And that concerns Superintendent Kelvin Adams.
Adams has asked the states Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for more flexibility and pathways to getting quality educators into classrooms. Its something state education officials said is worth serious consideration.
Because of lower pay and higher needs among its students, SLPS has a difficult time recruiting and retaining teachers. The district has fluctuated between 60 and 80 vacancies throughout this school year.
Adams told the State Board of Education in March hed like more flexibility in hiring teachers, including the ability to use the same so-called 80/20 rule as charter schools. Charter schools, which are independent public schools, are allowed to use up to 20% non-certified classroom teachers. Traditional districts, such as SLPS, need to have all certified staff. Allowing traditional districts to use 80/20 would require a change of state law.
Or here's a wild idea..... Pay people more!

(9,122 posts)My wife and I have been in education since the mid-70s in three states.
At least in our experience, the key to the teacher shortage is clearly to make the job more attractive:
1.) Working conditions on all levels...counselors, safe schools (no guns), respectful administrators, time to prepare, etc. Many schools today are war zones - and who wants to work there!?!
2.) Quit siphoning all the good kids to for-profit, charter schools and leaving the poor, special kids crowded into an under-funded, left-over schools.
3.) Teachers need MORE preparation, not LESS in today's schools! Once you get past the content, the hard part is dealing with classroom management, special ed., legal issues, new technology, and testing. Uncertified teachers drop out like flies and require constant mentoring. The Superintendent is wrong (been there, done that)! Less qualified teachers mean a weaker school.
4.) Pay and job stability are making teaching one-step above minimum wage. Well prepared teachers start with a college degree, but the better ones almost always have a graduate degree, years of experience, multiple certifications, and really care about the profession. Depending on your particular state or district, pay is well below other college educated professions.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Teachers need to be paid far better than they are currently being paid.