Related: About this forum"....efforts to reopen schools in most communities will fail."
Its time to face the central fact of a pandemic: Theres no way to pretend our way around flattening the curve. Until we actually stop the viruss spread, efforts to reopen schools in most communities will fail", said
New Century Foundation Fellow, Connor Williams.
The Conclusion of Professionals:
New York public school teacher, Christine Vaccaro, published an opinion piece in USA Today. Her ending statement is prescient:
Abandoned by any semblance of national leadership during a raging pandemic, students, teachers and staff are being told to jump into the deep end and return to school buildings. They will be risking their lives and their families lives, and endangering their communities to do so. All the precious time and resources spent to implement hybrid models and social distancing protocols will be washed away with the buildings first positive COVID-19 case. Then it will be a hard pivot back home, using the same scattershot remote learning practices developed in an emergency."
"That is why the smartest, most practical strategy is marshaling energy and dollars into developing as robust and equitable a remote learning plan as possible. This is far from ideal. We know remote teaching is not even remotely teaching. But it will save lives, offer the most consistent education for our children this fall and provide a solid foundation on which to build a stronger hybrid model, later in the year.
"While it does seem possible to safely reopen schools based on the experience of countries around the globe, the United States faces two major unresolved obstacles; facilities need upgrading and transmission rates need to be controlled."

(43,049 posts)I'm on a number of committees dealing with summer camping, church openings, and other things involving decisions on group meetings this summer.
These are mostly nonprofits, so we don't have additional worries about employees out of work or businesses folding (which are very real concerns!) We have the "luxury" of worrying only about health and safety.
And we do worry about health and safety. Basically, the default is until this over we don't gather.
(17,603 posts)We have limited resources and NO EXTRA MONEY. In fact, we face a budget shortfall as our state is likely getting less money to the schools. We are better off having a planned, virtual start to the year. And that is exactly what we are doing.
(35,076 posts)send in Federal Troops to teach 6th graders.
(52,672 posts)everyone else on team tRump. I'd also like to see all of their own kids go to a public school with the other kids.
Rick Scott (FL) thinks schools should reopen but his own grandkids will be "distance learning".
Gee, how do you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e ?
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,991 posts)TrumpVirus
(13 posts)Many of these school districts reconsidering plans to reopen are citing new data available now from a large study in South Korea that indicates children 10 years of age and older spread the coronavirus just as much as adults.
The study sought to better define how efficiently children can spread the virus to others and they found that children younger than 10 transmit to others much less often than adults do, but the risk is not zero. And those between the ages of 10 and 19 can spread the virus at least as well as adults do.
The findings suggest that as schools reopen, communities will see clusters of infection take root that include children of all ages, several experts cautioned.