Legislators discuss reevaluating Missouri educational curriculum
JEFFERSON CITY — A joint committee of Missouri legislators heard nearly four hours of testimony on Tuesday regarding the status of education in Missouri, particularly its history curriculum and the role of school board members in public hearings.
"I don't think we should be afraid of ideas," Dr. Andrew Bolger, one of the hearing's witnesses said. "When we don’t remember history, when we don’t wrestle with the gravity of what happened in the past, the warts, the failures, the successes, then we are liable to repeat it over and over and over again.”
Dr. Bolger is an administrative officer at the College of the Ozarks, which is developing its own K-12 history curriculum, after releasing a K-6 curriculum.
Dr. Matthew Spalding, a vice president at Hillsdale College, offered testimony over the phone. Hillsdale has developed a similar "1776 Curriculum," a free, K-12 history course that the college claims to be unbiased.