Blue hydrogen could contribute 50% more to global warming than fossil fuels (and green hydrogen isn't immune either)
Some previous analyses have estimated total potential emissions reductions from the use of blue hydrogen at around 70%, the researchers note. They say a worst-case scenario could actually see near-term global warming increase by 50% compared with fossil fuels.
The study assumes a 60% carbon capture rate rather than the 98% often cited by CCS and blue hydrogen advocates, principally because the technology has not yet come close to removing total on-site emissions at commercial scale, explain the researchers.
They also had bad news for green hydrogen, mainly due to the fact that hydrogen itself is a potent greenhouse gas when it leaks into the atmosphere.
For green or renewable hydrogen, which is made from the renewables-powered electrolysis of water, the near-term climate benefits also drop by 25% when the full climate impact of hydrogen is factored in. Hydrogen, the smallest known molecule in the universe, is a leak-prone gas with a potent indirect warming effect in the near-term due to the fact that its chemical oxidation in the atmosphere increases other short-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere methane, tropospheric ozone, and stratospheric water vapour, the paper explains.