Ardagh melts glass with green hydrogen from on-site electrolyzer
Ardagh melts glass with green hydrogen from on-site electrolyzer | 5 DECEMBER 2024
At its facility in Limmared, Ardagh Glass Packaging-Europe – an operating business of Ardagh Group – is using a hydrogen electrolyzer to produce green hydrogen for melting glass, apparently
saving 70 tonnes of CO2 since October.
The 5MW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) is a hydrogen electrolyzer that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen via renewable electricity. In doing so, it supplies hydrogen to the energy mix and results in a partly hydrogen-fired glass furnace.
Testing of the electrolyzer began in October. Since then, it claims to have s
uccessfully combusted 109,000m3 of hydrogen produced onsite, which apparently translates to 70 tonnes of CO2 saved.
“The testing phase using the hydrogen energy mix is progressing well, with no impact on the quality of the glass or the furnace,” said project manager Daniel Johansson. “Our target is to replace 20% of the natural gas in the furnace with
green hydrogen, which will reduce carbon emissions from our glass packaging produced in Limmared.”
CEO Martin Petersson added:
“Replacing a proportion of the natural gas with green hydrogen in the furnace represents a step change in the way we sustainably produce glass packaging"..more.
Making Glass is difficult to decarbonize. CEO Martin Petersson - "ignorant" ??