A favorite blog post I've saved for 3+ years: The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living
The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.
Confession time: Im a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate.
I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far: I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes, were shopping for a new couch because our current one has holes in it, and I ran my current pair of running shoes until the soles fell off.
However, I have gradually learned to be frugal in many ways that I would recommend to others. I dont think you should have holes in your couch, and you should definitely replace your running shoes more often than I do, but there are many ways to cut back on spending and live a more frugal lifestyle.
Why live frugally? First, because it allows you to spend less than you earn, and use the difference to pay off debt, save or invest. Or all three. Second, because the less you spend, the less you need to earn. And that means you can choose to work less, or work more but retire early. Or take mini retirements. You have more options with a frugal lifestyle.
lots of links to other blogs, articles, etc.

(4,810 posts)pacalo
(24,740 posts)I began saving coins when I kept having to pick them up out of the washer, on the floor, etc. I started putting them in a container in the laundry room. When the total amount grew to $50, I got serious about it.
Whenever I'd buy a soft drink from the machine at work, the change would go into my collection at home. Same as for any change I'd receive from any shopping.
One year my family & I went on vacation with the money saved up from saving those coins. It takes awhile, but you can get there if you're diligent about saving your change.
(45,851 posts)Phentex
(16,600 posts)and we started tossing loose change in it. At one point, it was too heavy to carry so I took out a bunch of change and deposited it. I was shocked at how much it added up. I end up with loose change in my purse, some from the washer machine, some off the ground that nobody picks up. When my boys were little, they could ALWAYS find change on the floor near the cash register at the grocery store. Always. People drop it all the time and don't bother to pick it up.
(11,461 posts)whatever that means, frugal is a way of life, frugal is saving, frugal is
being able to know I can't have it, frugal is helping others that are
worse than me.
The truth is to save you gotta have it.
This is great and I love it.
(12,121 posts)I already do many of the things listed.
(146,218 posts)

(18,219 posts)boy, has that cost me extra money!!! I will not go into details, but taking something apart and not remembering how to put it back together is NOT cheap!
(30,947 posts)I have one car, which is a '99 Ford Taurus. I have a smaller house, which is a mobile home that I own with only lot rent of $367 a month including water and garbage pickup. Rarely eat out and eat frugally at home because I am a vegetarian, and when I was working. I always brown-bagged lunch. I do not have any credit cards as I only use my debit card. I do cut my own hair because I was a wig stylist years ago and am pretty good at styling hair.
But I cannot give up my cable TV or cell phone. i have a land line phone and only use the cell phone for emergencies. And I cannot give up my sweets, as ice cream is my only indulgence. But otherwise, I am becoming more and more frugal because I was laid off in 2010 and now living on Social Security. I have some savings that I only use for emergencies, such as when I had an electrical problem caused by rodents chewing the wires. That cost me $565, so now I am having to pay a pest control person to kill the rats. And believe me, they are not easy to get rid of. You kill 2 and there are 3 more to take their place.
(16,402 posts)[font color="navy" face="Verdana"]... and I'm already following a lot of them.
Also, this is a GREAT blog. I've subscribed.