Update: Coyote-Wolf Killing “Derby” in Idaho on Dec 28 and 29 Could not be Stopped
Last edited Sat Dec 28, 2013, 01:45 PM - Edit history (2)
[font size=4] Update 12/28/2013 [/font size]
Update from Camilla Fox, Project Coyote
Idaho coyotes and wolves will die this weekend in an unconscionable holiday killing contest. Following a 2-day slaughter, prizes and recognition will be bestowed upon contestants, including children as young as 10, for killing the most female coyotes and the largest wolf.
Together we generated thousands of emails and letters to federal and state agencies and to killing contest sponsors. NAPA Auto Parts pulled their corporate sponsorship. We also ensured that this killing spree would not take place on Bureau of Land Management public lands. Moreover, the killing contest sponsor just stated, "It is unlikely that Idaho for Wildlife will hold a similar event next year. "
While we weren't able to stop the senseless killing from taking place this weekend, we catapulted this issue to center stage. We are working with a team of reporters and photographers who traveled to Salmon, Idaho to bear witness to the slaughter. They will help us further expose this "contest" so we can work toward putting an end to these barbaric killing sprees in the future.
Idaho is showing the nation what happens to wolves following their removal from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. This is why Project Coyote testified against the US Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to remove federal protection for gray wolves.
It's unimaginable to think of the individual wolves and coyotes who will suffer and die this holiday weekend as they are baited, "called" and shot - all for fun and prizes.
In remembrance and respect, join us in lighting a candle for the coyotes and wolves who will be killed this weekend. As Lincoln said: That these dead shall not have died in vain.
[font size=4] Original post [/font size]
December 18, 2013 by Will Anderson
Green Vegans
A proposed First Annual Two Day Coyote and Wolf Hunting Derby scheduled for December 28th and 29th, 2013, is being widely reported. Wildlife advocates like you are responding. There are several actions you can take to stop this cruel slaughter. But time is short and the need for your action is NOW. Green Vegans is working on unique approaches we are sharing with other organizations and encourage you to do the same. We also are including a list of actionable contacts from Project Coyote that are also essential. The steps you can take are listed below this Derby poster
Derby-Specific Background: In addition to thousands of dollars in prizes and trophies for adults, there are also trophies and monetary awards to 10-14 year-old children who bring in the largest number of coyotes and biggest dead wolf. The event is being organized by a rabid organization that believes wildlife is for hunting, not prey for natural predators in healthy ecosystems. For insight into this group, go to http://www.idahoforwildlife.com/. According to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), if the Derby is held strictly within the Salmon, Idaho Game Management Units, up to 40 more wolves can be killed according to figures posted on their website as of 16 December 2013. There is no limit on coyotes killed. In addition, there are several commercial sponsors that are making the two-day killing spree possible.
Note that there will be two different ACTION ALERTSasking you to help stop this dreadful event. This is the first. The second ALERT will go out either Saturday or Monday depending on the response we get to a nine-page letter Green Vegans has written to Idaho state agencies. We have worked nearly forty hours over the last three days doing research and writing for this portion of our work for wolves. That means we have not finished our list of proposed campaigns for the 2014-2015 season for you to see, and we are behind in asking for donations we need to continue our work. Please give now because its needed now. Just go to www.greenvegans.org and use the donate button to get to PayPal. Thank you. Now, the first ALERT:
Please take these actions in the following order. There are several opportunities to stop the wolf and coyote killing contest. It will be extremely helpful for you to send this Alert to like-minded Idaho residents who will be against this First Annual Two Day Coyote and Wolf Hunting Derby. They have more weight as state residents when they contact officials. In your communications, please take the high ground; avoid the name-calling they will expect. This will make it harder for them to dismiss and stereotype you.
Given the short time remaining for the planned event, the wolves and coyotes need rapid response from you as we prepare for the worst case scenario of Idaho not upholding the law. We demand that the First Annual 2-Day Coyote and Wolf Hunting Derby be cancelled no later than noon, December 23, 2013. Heres what you can do now:
■Share this ALERT through all of your social media platforms. Anyone on planet Earth can do the following
■Call or email via the websites of two of the sponsors Green Vegans has identified. Tell them to respect ecosystems and stop the event:
a) The NAPA auto-parts store in Salmon, Idaho is a sponsor and located two blocks from one of the register-to-kill locations. NAPA Auto Parts Salmon River Auto Supply LLC, Salmon, ID. http://www.napaonline.com/id/salmon / (208) 756-4343 and (208) 756-4800. Since NAPA owns approximately 1,000 of the 6,000 stores, the Salmon, Idaho store is likely independently operated. Still, they are licensed by NAPA proper, so it is worthwhile to complain to NAPA corporate about the Salmon, Idaho store: call 800-538-6272 or email them at customersupport@napaonline.com . Then post your opinion at NAPAs national corporate Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NAPAKNOWHOW.
b) Sacajawea Inn. They are offering special discounts to the contestants coming to kill wolves and coyotes. http://www.hotelsalmon.com/ and sales@hotelsalmon.com / 208-756-2294. This is a medium-sized business run by a family with children. However, it is likely to be popular as it offers RV spaces in addition to rooms. Please do not be abusive in your messages to protect the children without compromising your opinions.
· Go to Project Coyotes action page and follow their prompts: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/567808/7d9b2dc9f8/1557503015/f83ea7032f/
■Go to the Idaho for Wildlife Facebook page. They are the organizers of this slaughter. Call the officers of the organization and chapter leads /or leave email messages of opposition by clicking on their names. Leave your opinion after viewing their attorney / registered agent pictured here, complete with a pipe in his mouth, a revolver in his hand, and a beer can in the other.
(http://www.idahoforwildlife.com/chapters) and
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Idaho-For-Wildlife/143039222888
A related Blog piece will appear at www.thisishopethebook.com by this coming weekend.
Thank you,
The Green Vegans Team
A Care2 Petition has already gained 40,000 signatures, amazing.

(54,455 posts)Beringia
(4,939 posts)I hope that petition has legs. People from all around the world are signing it.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)Prizes for killing the largest wolf and the most female coyotes?
What kind of human beings would stage such a cruel and barbaric event?
(4,939 posts)LeftyMom
(49,212 posts)Good idea, that.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)so Idahoans who are appalled about this "Derby" could boycott those sponsors.
There goes my afternoon, I guess, but it's for a good cause.
(49,212 posts)Pets have been mistaken for wolves and shot before.
Bryce Butler
(338 posts)Almost at the 47k mark.
(4,939 posts)Beringia
(4,939 posts)From Green Vegans
Green Vegans has researched Idaho statues, codes, and regulations
- The First Annual 2-Day Coyote and Wolf Hunting Derby is a commercial hunt prohibited by Idaho regulations;
- It violates the 15hunter maximum participation rule;
- It violates the IDFG Commission thirteen year wildlife policy: However, the Department will not support any contests or similar activities involving the taking of predators which may portray hunting in an unethical fashion, devalue the predator, and which may be offensive to the general public. The Department opposes use of bounties as a predator control measure.
a) Kathleen Trever Lead Deputy Attorney General (208) 334-2400 /
b) W. Dallas Burkhalter Deputy Attorney General (208) 334-3715 /
(Trevor and Burkhalter represent and interpret IDFG regulations)
c) Virgil Moore, Director, Idaho Department of Fish and Game (208) 334-3771 /