Here's a really fun "discussion" for you guys and gals to wade into!
Dr. McDougall is one of the ultimate promoters of plant-based nutrition.
Problem is, his forums are full of Right-Libertarian morans -- but there are some real heroes in there too who don't take the talking points lightly.
Here's a thread on the ACA, full of buzz words and phrases like "Socialism" and "Redistribution of Wealth" if you want to sign up and bat them around with your paws.

(49,212 posts)
She should have also included the bit about healthy people who take prevention more than a bit seriously and don't want anything to do with traditional medical care being forced to buy and subsidize it's use (tmc) by unhealthy, inactive, addicted, SAD, glutenous people. Just saying....
Did that person mean to say "gluttonous" and fail spelling, or did they mean to say "glutenous" and fail nutrition? I can't tell.
Either way I had to stop there, for the sake of my sanity.
Systematic Chaos
(8,601 posts)One poster later on in that thread pointed out that there are some members of those boards who were themselves very fat and/or sick before discovering McDougall, and it's like suddenly just because they eat better they're somehow above God.
I started mass-deleting my posts on that forum in a fit of extreme depression about a year ago, and the "moderator", who is a very smug and self-righteous guy, gave me less than 24 hours to respond to a not-so-polite PM before blocking my account. No chance to apologize and explain myself or anything.
Oh, and a conservatroll was on there too, and that motherfucker PM'ed me on that site, telling me to "go eat another sammich, fatass!" I messaged the "moderator" about that, and not a fucking thing was done about it. A few days later, I called the troll out publicly and still nothing got done.
There are more than a few people on those boards of whom I have a very high opinion. Then there are a whole slew of them who can go fuck off and die.
(25,061 posts)There are some interesting discussions and good recipes.
I know there are a lot of weird forums on reddit. But, I really like the vegan one.