Animal Activist Who Gave Water to Slaughter-Bound Pigs is Now on Trial
X-post from GD.
By: Tex Dworkin August 26, 2016
About Tex
Would you risk jail time or a $5,000 fine to give a thirsty slaughterhouse-bound pig water? For Anita Krajnc, the answer is a resounding yes.
Anita Krajnc is a Canadian animal rights activist who is on trial for giving water to thirsty pigs who were heading to a slaughterhouse in Burlington, Ontario on a scorching hot June day in 2015.
Heres what happened: While a trailer packed with pigs en route to Fearmans Pork slaughterhouse was stopped at a light, Krajnc approached the trailer. Believing that the pigs were overheated and dehydrated, she tipped her water bottle through holes to provide what water she could to them.
Thats when the truck driver Jeffrey Veldjesgraaf emerged. Not-so-kind words were exchanged, and the pigs owner filed a complaint with police shortly after the incident occurred.
FULL story at link.