Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumHave you ever experienced a ghost from a person or a pet?
I have experienced both (I think). I was wondering if the "odd" sights, sounds, etc are supposed to be similar to the usual, typical things the living being did while alive? An example: If I heard someone in my kitchen who knew I liked to cook but who never actually cooked in my kitchen while it was still alive and I was in another room and heard this right after that being died, would that be something a ghost might do?

(7,715 posts)That's all I know!
(15,272 posts)There was no door so I could see directly into her room.
It was an emotional evening for we knew the hour was near. What sleep I'd had in the days leading up to this had been fitful at best, and this evening was no different for I was ever mindful she might need me at any moment.
I know I'd been nodding off and on but I'm certain I was awake when, across the room, I saw her sitting up, a smile on her lips, her eyes and cheeks animated with life as she waved softly to me. And the vision was gone as quickly as it appeared.
I felt very calm in the moment, relieved you might say, as I rose from my chair and went toward her bed. She had passed and was no longer in pain.
I'm not a believer in faith, nor am I an atheist. Probably best labeled an indifferent agnostic. I don't know what it was I witnessed that dark night. All I'm reasonably certain of is I was awake. And what I carried away from the experience is a profound appreciation for a sentiment about ghosts I first discovered in Shakespeare's Hamlet, a play (by the way) that prominently features a ghost:
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy.
(52,650 posts)visited about 5 times in the week after her death and it was calming each time since I was wide awake like you were. Once you experience it yourself you become a believer in the "there's something out there that we don't know about" club. Shakespeare was right. I am an atheist but God and whatever it is I experienced are two separate things to me.
I was teaching at a school that takes students on local historic tours and one place was to one of the most haunted houses in the country, the Whaley House. The teachers had great personal stories that happened to them while there.
(31,731 posts)I live in an old remodeled farmhouse. There are no near neighbors. I sometimes smell meals being cooked. They are things a farm wife might cook. Maybe my kitchen is haunted by someone who loved cooking. I have not smelled anything lately. I am not sure why.
(52,650 posts)I was up late watching Bill Maher and I heard a man's shoes walking in the bathroom are only in the empty apt upstairs at 12:30 AM. I thought it might be something to check out and flagged down a neighbor who was coming back from having a smoke. He said he wasn't going to go up there and the lights were off. The next day he came over to me and said he asked the relatives of the person selling the place if anyone had been in their at midnight and they said "No". Then I told him about my dad. The thing is my dad never went upstairs to that apt. If it was him you would think he would be in my place like my dog's ghost did.
(35,014 posts)Fox news. Tiny bit of true with a lot of BS added.
It was just a dream.
(52,650 posts)to see get a neighbor to check it out for me.
(50,480 posts)My father and I had a contentious relationship. When he died, he disinherited me and my siblings while leaving $35,000 each to my ne'er-do-well cousins -- and the neighbor across the street.
During the first year after his death, my front door slammed shut behind me twice, without any wind or whatever. I was locked out of my flat and to pay more than $100 each time to be allowed access by a locksmith. The first time, I blamed it on a three year old neighbor whom I wrongly assumed couldn't resist closing any open door. The second time, I was gone for 30 seconds and BAM! went the door. I no longer even take out the garbage without the keys in my pocket as you never know. I've done experiments with leaving the front door ajar WITH windy situations and it just stays open.
While I'm an atheist and don't believe in life-after-death, the theory I have is my father still bugging the hell out of me.
(52,650 posts)I have heard about before. That wouldn't creep me out much but it would piss me off.
(50,480 posts)I've been telling folks that since Dad's passing, I'm not afraid to die and go to Hell. That's because I KNOW I'll see Dad again and I can REALLY tell him what I think of him . . . . . .
(52,650 posts)
(95,796 posts)Not sure why but if they're around, they let me know about it. Friends sometimes ask me to "check out" a new apartment or house to see if anyone is there before moving in. Some seem to just be there for comfort, yours or theirs, other have something to communicate and others just don't realize they are not in physical form and don't know what to do until someone tells them they have passed.
I'm sorry about your dad, I hope things improve for you on that topic. He may have come to visit you but not be sure how to let you know, that happens too.
(52,650 posts)receiving messages than others. You must be one who has this ability. I had a friend like that. Maybe my dad knew that I would hear footsteps in an empty place since I have good ears and I stay up late and I would definitely notice if he walked around.
(95,796 posts)but I knew the instant my dad passed. I expect it will be the same when my mom goes. My dad was more tuned in to that and I can't tell where my mom is at about it. She used to be freaked out at me because I "knew" things when I was really young. Too her a long time to think of me as just a person, really. I spooked her really bad when I was about five and that did it for about thirty years.
Perhaps your dad did think that and tried to let you know. Maybe you'll have a dream eventually that will help you understand that part, a dream you'll remember even if you don't remember dreams.
(52,650 posts)better understand, through a dream perhaps. Thanks!
(54,385 posts)3 days after Ace had been buried.
(23,902 posts)Others will call it that. There are tons of books about all this stuff!
(52,650 posts)before I got very far into it. Do you know of any good books on this subject?
(1,390 posts)My friend was dying of cancer. The day she flew to California to die with her parents by her side my grandfather came for a visit, he was dead. It happened after I went to sleep. I woke up and it felt like someone was in my room and then he was right over me, I was afraid I was going to be raped so I punched him but my hand went right through him. Then, I realized he was my dead grandfather. He told me my friend would be ok, then, he floated down the stairs.
I asked my friend to let me know when she reached the other side and was ok. She agreed.
I flew to Cali to be with her when she died. After she did, I flew back to the east coast. That night I woke up and saw her in a nightgown floating in the corner of my bedroom. She let me know she was ok.
I went back to sleep.
(52,650 posts)or trying to have physical contact with one. I was just discussing my experiences with my dog and my dad today with a friend. My neighbor heard her dog running up and down the hall the night it died. I heard that 1:10 people have experiences with ghosts or out of body experiences or near death experiences. I wonder if some people are more "tuned into" the supernatural vibration level or part of their brain is more fined tuned to receive "visits"?
Have you ever experienced animal ghosts?
(1,390 posts)My doggie just died about 3 week ago and he hasn't come for a visit yet.
I wish he would!
(52,650 posts)I have a 16 year old doggie and I am dreading that eventuality.