Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumHave you or someone you know experienced a Near Death Experience?
I have listened to non-religious descriptions of NDEs and I have had "visits" from my dogs and my dad. They are very real and they always lift my spirits since they somehow make me feel peaceful and comforted afterwards. Since I am an Atheist I find non-religious experiences from people from all over the world to be very interesting. This is one of the best I have heard from and judging from the responses this guy has a lot of company.

(10,461 posts)She said she found herself near the ceiling, looking down at herself on the bed with two nurses. One of them said to the other, Poor little thing. She never had a chance.
And then she found herself back in her body. There was no talk of a light, or moving through a tunnel, or seeing God or heaven.
(52,561 posts)It varies, some see a light, some feel a pull, some see family friends and pets, some have a life review, some are given a choice of whether to come back or not.
They all say how perfectly wonderful they felt during the experience and most did not want to come back since it felt so peaceful and free of negativity. Also, very rarely (about 1%) do they mention anything remotely similar to a satanic being/Hellish environment.
(27,160 posts)I would also recommend the books by Michael Newton: Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. There are a huge number of books out there on this topic. I have a bookshelf which has 40-50 books on life after death, reincarnation, and other such topics.
Thanks for posting this.
(52,561 posts)as well as Dr. Moody.
(23,715 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,561 posts)Karadeniz
(23,715 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,561 posts)It was fun and cool. I just flew around the ceiling a few times, watching my family at a get together in our living room from above. I told my family and they verified the whole scene but then dismissed the experience, which pissed me off, even as a kid.
(23,715 posts)worldview. That's probably one reason we don't know more about the brain's energy abilities beyond the generally accepted knowledge.
(20,035 posts)That he did during his 5 way bypass in 1981.
They had trouble reviving him. Of course he didn't tell me this directly I never knew about it until after he was already gone in 2000.
All she said was that he had told her he was not afraid to die after that.
(23,715 posts)milestogo
(19,361 posts)He had advanced lung disease, and he actually turned blue. His wife came running out of the room screaming. I went in and saw him and I called out for a doctor. Then a code blue was called.
Since I had no role in the code I escorted his wife out and stayed with her while he was resuscitated.
Two weeks later he was back on our unit. He said hello to me and told me that I looked less afraid than the last time he saw me.
Well the last time he "saw" me he had no pulse or respirations and was essentially dead. He said he remembered everything, including me checking his vitals and calling for help. He said he had the out of body experience and that he had been there more than once.
He told me that he had seen the 'other side' and no longer feared death.
It was a profound experience for me.
(52,561 posts)with you. A lot of people are afraid to tell anyone about it. These experiences are probably more common than people think they are.
(19,361 posts)after I had checked his pulse and respirations. So even though he was dead, and I knew it, he was aware of what was happening. It freaked me out. How could I not believe him.
OTOH I had an elderly neighbor whose heart stopped and she was resuscitated. She remembered the event as absolutely excruciating and said that she never wanted to go through that again. She had a DNR order set up and she told everyone about it.
Once I was driving her to a doctors appointment and she said - if I die in the car, don't you dare bring me to an ER. Just pull over and let me die. I'm ready for it. I don't think she had any out of body experience. She was very religious and had made her peace with God and everyone else. She lived another 10 years or so.