You Might Be a Troll If:
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Ohio Joe (a host of the Creative Speculation group).
If you make claims that UFOs, Nuclear Bombs, Holograms, or anything else with *zero* empirical evidence for it was involved in 9/11...
You might be a Troll.
If you continue to claim that scientists mistook 'paint chips' for nano-thermite, despite being provided with documentation that
both the paint chips and nano-thermite tested were found in the WTC debris...
You could likely be a Troll.
If your reaction to simple logic is derision in the hopes that readers will be too stupid to understand the logic and just take your position on faith....
You might possibly be a Troll.
If your response to direct questions is to evade them and change the topic to some worn canard or accusation...
There's that slim chance you just may be a Troll.
If you post "You're a Troll" to a thread that makes fun of Troll tactics....
You could perhaps have taken that a bit too much to heart because you might be a Troll.
Feel free to add your own!