Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumGrass Roots
[The thermitic red layer of the reported tiny red/gray bi-layered chips found in the dust belongs to a novel class of energetic materials that government funded US laboratories have been developing since the 1990´s. Even the federal agency in charge of the supposed investigation of the collapsed towers helped to develop this type of material, which may help to explain why it refuses to look for evidence of it in the dust.
Our essay exposes unscrupulous internet sites that have been spreading false rumors to discredit Harrit et al., the paper, and even the publisher. The members of one such forum actually organized a study that was supposed to refute the paper on technical terms, but the resulting 2012 preliminary report by Dr. Millette remains unpublished because it is invalid, as we are about to explain.|]

(2,186 posts)wildbilln864
(13,382 posts)nationalize the fed
(2,169 posts)It goes something like this :
Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan,
[center] ][/center]
nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah
Using nothing more than craft knifes,
they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes
And hangover or not, they manage to give the worlds most sophisticated air defense system the slip
Unphased by leaving their How to Fly a Passenger Jet guide in the car at the airport, they master the controls in no-time and score direct hits on two towers, causing THREE to collapse completely
Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two
and the world watches in awe as steel-framed buildings fall symmetrically through their own mass at free-fall speed, for the first time in history (according to NIST).
Despite all their dastardly cunning, they stupidly give their identity away by using explosion-proof passports, which survive the fireball undamaged and fall to the ground
only to be discovered by the incredible crime-fighting sleuths at the FBI.
Meanwhile down in Washington
Hani Hanjour, having previously flunked a 2-man Cessna flight test, gets carried away with all the success of the day and suddenly finds incredible abilities behind the controls of a Boeing
Instead of flying straight down into the large roof area of the Pentagon, he decides to show off a little
Executing an incredible 270 degree downward spiral
he levels off to hit the low facade of the worlds most heavily defended building
all without a single shot being fired
. or ruining the nicely mowed lawn
and all at a speed just too fast to capture on video
Later, in the skies above Pennsylvania
So desperate to talk to loved ones before their death, some passengers use sheer willpower to connect mobile calls that otherwise would not be possible until several years later
And following a heroic attempt by some to retake control of Flight 93, it crashes into a Shankesville field leaving no trace of engines, fuselage or occupants
except for the standard issue Muslim terrorists bandana
Further south in Florida
President Bush, our brave Commander-in-Chief continues to read My Pet Goat" to a class full of primary school children
shrugging off the obvious possibility that his life could be in imminent danger
In New York
Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein blesses his own foresight in insuring the buildings
against terrorist attack only six weeks previously
While back in Washington...
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz shake their heads in disbelief at their own luck in getting the New Pearl Harbor catalyzing event they so desired to pursue their agenda of world domination
And finally, not to be disturbed too much by reports of their own deaths, at least 11 of our 19 suicide hijackers turn up alive and kicking in lamestream media reports.
People really believe THAT "Conspiracy Theory"? It would be funny if it wasn't so sad
(3,829 posts)Hijackings have happened many times in the past. They crashed into very large buildings.
It's your crazy conspiracy theory that is overwhelmingly complex and impossible.
Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two and the world watches in awe as steel-framed buildings fall symmetrically through their own mass at free-fall speed, for the first time in historyObvious lie to go with all of the other lies have you ever watched videos of the towers collapsing?
William Seger
(11,448 posts)... there would be nothing left in your post. If you don't know that by now, that's your own fault since every part of it has been discussed here for years.
When you make outrageously implausible claims, rational people will want to know why they should believe it, too. But instead, this is the kind of bullshit we get from the "Truth Movement." When anyone tries to explain to you why that doesn't do the trick, you stick your fingers in your ears and sing "La, la, la" and then call them an "anti-truther."
Apparently, that's all that's left of the "Truth Movement."
(381 posts)Harrit and Jones lied about finding thermite, and since 911 truth followers don't do chemistry, they blindly believe. 911 truth followers can't do chemistry. The ironic part, anyone with a grade school reading comprehension level can read the paper and see they did not prove they found thermite. 911 truth, in the 13th year of failure, with exactly the same evidence Bigfoot believers have, illusions, delusions, fantasy, fraud, and lies.
Zero damage to steel at the WTC from thermite. Makes the paper's fake conclusion dumber.