Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumA Reminder from Pilots For 9/11 Truth
The following has been on our home page since Aug 2006.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe who have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day based on solid data and facts -- since 9/11/2001 is the catalyst for many of the events shaping our world today -- and the United States Government does not seem to be very forthcoming with answers or facts.
We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report -- a Commission admittedly "set up to fail" according to the Chairman himself, nor "hypothesis" as a satisfactory explanation for the continued gross violation(s) of the United States Constitution being committed by Government agencies, and the sacrifice every American has made and continue to make -- some more than others.
We stand with the numerous other growing organizations of Firefighters, Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Scholars, Military Officers, Veterans, Religious and Political Leaders, along side Survivors, family members of the victims -- family members of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice -- including the many Ground Zero workers who are now ill or have passed away, when we ask for a true, new independent investigation into the events of 9/11.
Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.
Read more here -

(381 posts)Waving hands, and BINGO, out of no where comes 11.2g.
Unique, after making up a number, pilots for truth come up with 34gs for a 2.4g solution.
Pilots for truth say this should of been 34g.
Pilots for truth failed to realize this chart is from Flight 77 FDR found with all the DNA for passengers on 77 in the Pentagon.
Pilots for truth have the data, but made up a fake number anyway.
Why did pilots for truth lie about g-force?
A reminder, pilots for truth can't do aerodynamics, and make up lies like the impossible speed.
(74 posts)Its all you do. You shove it down everyone's throat.
One of the definitions of "theory" is:
"a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact."
Let's review your "proposed explanations":
Modified aircraft
Remote control aircraft
Hijackers were not pilots
Hijackers were not hijackers
Flyover Pentagon
North of Citgo
RADES lied
Boeing lied
FAA lied
NTSB lied
FBI lied
NYFD lied
NYPD lied
ACARS experts lied
ATC lied
SS lied
DHS lied
DoD lied
All the witnesses who watched the aircraft crash lied
I could go on....but the point is made. Of course you offer "theory". Don't act the fool. These are YOUR claims, YOUR "explanations", YOUR "conjecture", all unproven, without ANY legitimate or proven evidence. Rejected by over well over 99% of aviation professionals AROUND THE WORLD.
(3,183 posts)We should be thanking you for all the time spent in search of the truth.
(13,382 posts)IronGate
(2,186 posts)IronGate
(2,186 posts)Hardly, more like in search of a good CT.
(381 posts)We do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. - johndoeX
The impossible speed is not a theory, it is a lie. pilots for truth got something right, they offer no theories on 911, just lies.
13th year, and pilots for truth can't figure out 911.