If many of his clients figure out what an idiot Pfeiffer is, he may have to start Structural Engineers for 9/11 Truth to survive. As a public service, AE911Truth ought to publish a list of structures this clown designed.
Of Gage's "over 2200 architects and engineers," there are only a couple dozen structural and civil engineers (which is a big clue about how deceitful Gage is). Of those, we have to assume that Gage picked the cream of the crop for his "experts." Here, Pfeiffer repeatedly demonstrates that he has no clue how the buildings even fell, much less NIST's "probable cause" hypotheses, yet he thinks it's important to tell us why his imaginary scenarios couldn't have happened. Even worse from a professional standpoint is that Pfeiffer doesn't know that WTC 7 was not a "moment frame" -- interior connections were actually shear connections for gravity loads only -- and yet he pulls a totally bullshit number out of his ass for how much force it would take to break all the connections. Representing that horseshit publicly as an "expert" opinion is likely a violation of the Code of Ethics of whatever professional organizations he belongs to. But I really loved the part where he said he couldn't understand why WTC 2 had stopped tilting, because "according to Newton's law of physics, a body that goes in motion will stay in motion unless it's interrupted by another force." Here's a structural engineer who doesn't understand that plowing through the lower structure was "another force" acting on the upper structure, and instead decides that a better solution to the "mystery" is that explosives somehow stopped the tilting. Structural engineers who are demonstrably more competent at understanding physics and structural mechanics have had no trouble explaining why it was virtually impossible for the top section to topple off the building, and you don't need to be a structural engineer to understand it.
There's been a theme running through these videos you've posted, wildbill: None of Gage's "experts" seem to be very familiar with the basic facts. But that's to be expected from people who have primarily been "educated" by Gage and his ilk, and are too intellectually lazy to question it. Instead, some of them seem to want to open their own bullshit franchise.