Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumDavid Topete, MSCE, S.E.
"Mr. Topete discusses how WTC Building 7's column 79's failure could not have caused the symmetrical and simultaneous collapse into it's own footprint."

William Seger
(11,448 posts)He doesn't understand how the building could fail like that, so his "professional opinion" is that magical silent explosives are a better explanation -- never mind that engineers who seem to understand it pretty well have explained it pretty well, and not a single one of Gage's "2200 architects and engineers" have produced a single valid technical argument against those explanations. It's pretty obvious that Topete doesn't understand how a progressive collapse would propagate though a building designed like WTC7. That's unfortunate, but people who DO understand it are not likely to be impressed or influenced by his lack of understanding just because he says it's his "professional opinion."
I almost feel sorry for "truthers" who must have had high hopes for this "Experts Speak Out" project and can't figure out why, two years after its release, AE911Truth is still just a small internet cult. Here's why: Gage builds his entire pitch around fallacious appeals to authority, but then the best he can do is to tell us to ignore the technical arguments from actual experts because here's another guy with a degree who doesn't even understand what the experts are saying, much less have a technical rebuttal, and apparently has never heard an actual controlled demolition. It's bizarre that Topete talks about how massive column 79 was, yet he thinks all the columns on several floors could be destroyed by explosives so small that only people near the building would have heard them, and isn't at all concerned that whatever those people heard was long before the building collapsed. And we're supposed to believe that nonsense because Topete has some letters after his name? No thanks.
(13,382 posts)failed again! You have yet to explain the molten steel under the world trade center buildings. Oh yes that's right you can't so you deny it even existed. LOL! And you weren't even there but you'll still pretend you know more than actual eyewitnesses, and chemists, metalurgists, physicists and structural engineers. The Dunning-Kruger is so very strong with you. Thanks again for the laugh.