We still don't have our LGBTQ rights. What are we going to do about it?
Everyone remembers Obergefell v. Hodges. Thousands of people from around the country went out to the streets to fight for their right to love who they want to love. And they won! The Supreme Court ruling legalized marriage across the whole country, and everyone celebrated this massive event in not only the history of the LGBTQ community but the history of the world.
People looked forward to what was next; maybe it would be the Equality Act, maybe letting people choose the bathrooms that align with their gender, or even the legal recognition of non-binary people federally. But there was nothing. There were some wins here and there, but there haven’t been any action nearly as big since 2015. Why?
It’s not that we don’t need these big actions anymore; there are still so many issues affecting LGBTQ people around the world.
We still don’t have protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation federally, let alone for gender identity. So a man can get married to his husband, then turned away by the baker of their wedding cake, fired from his job, and kicked out of his apartment. When they get on their feet, they can be denied adopting a child.
If someone’s trans, they could be forced to use the wrong bathroom, barred from sports, and misgendered at the DMV, in addition to job and other forms of discrimination.
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